Saturday, November 12, 2005

Moments in a weeK

nothing really interesting happens this week...
i just want 2 write something... hehhehehehehe

MoNdaY: i hate monday... @ school from 11am till 8 pm! haiks~
oh i got my ecis mid back... n surprise^surprise: i am the highest in class lhoooo
trus-trus jadinya dikasi visual studio package deh ma bon oh kim!
i dun knoe wat this software is for actually.. so i plan to sell it on e-bay.. or maybe give it to sHeLdon for his coming soon b'day!

ngomong2 ttg b'day... i just realize that so many friends of mine whose bday is on novembeR..
gosh untung2 dha ngak ajmannya lagi tu kasi2 kado... klo iya mah isa bokek-kek~ hohohohohoho
anyways, HappY B'daY for Novi, gLenn, SteVan, DannY!!

TueSdaY: i quite like tuesday coz i just need leave home at 3:30 pm yey!
i did some house-cleaning stuff.. vacuuming, cooking, laundy, washing cooking utensiLs~

WedNeSdaY: the second hated day in a week.. @ school from 1 - 8 pm!
classes were bored as usual hahahaha
eh i just realize there is one "ok" guy in cLass.. yeah at least someting that forces my eyes to widely open during lecture~

tHuRsdaY: oh no.... the handsome teacher ternyata malaS.. ?!?!?!?!?? oke, wat's happened is.... my group turned in a draft on tuesday and thought that he would get back to us asap... guess wut.. he just gave us comments right 2 hours before the assignment was due... as all my teammates have classes so i am de one who gotta make changes... wuwuwuwu... i was supposed to bring cHiko jalan2.. poor him!
one more fact! half of my class doesn't know who's kate moss is! gilak gw nag ngerti deh... kok bisa itu orank2 ngak tau sapa kate moss..... haiks~

oh @ nite i went bowLing.... with KaBaYaN n e-PoY's gank hihihihi
quite fun except waiting for 30 minutes for the lanes haiks~
tRus.... abis bowling makan ke Denny's... gilaK udah lama banget gw yang namanya nga klaur mpe jam 3 pagi buat makan... ajudubeLaaaHHH eating those fat in this hours! damn oh damn...
oh i saw epoy's friends... lil cute ones eat the LambeR's JAcK! geezssssssss i think it is the biggest meal that Denny's have.. and two of them finished it... they just remind me when i was first time down here... i finished those kau2's bbq pork over rice.... and milacay's fried rice hihihihihihihihihihi oh my oh my... maybe those meals that have made me gain this 3.. oh no maybe 5 layers of natural "bLanket" on my stoMach heuhuaehuahuahuahuahua....

*ronie... kok kok makin mirip kbronk seh dengan pala plontos n baby blue tshirt hehhehehhe*

frIdaY: veteran's day hoLiday~
i woke up at 12... then did some errands... n finally got a dog boarding where i would put cHiko in during Xmas break.. oh i'm gonna miss him co much huhuhuhuhhu...
at nite.. trying to do my 8 to 10 pages paper that is due in tuesday... but maybe lom last minute or kepepet.. bener2 nga produktip.. cuman produced 1/2 pages including the heading paper ting-ii and the title on double space format huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhu...

SaTuRdaY: hahahaha another 12 am woke up day jejejjejejejje... why tidur is so good eh? maybe klo tidur itu bisa mimpiin smua yang gw mau hohohoho.. today i continue my paper.... i got 4 pages by now yeah... yuhuuuuuuuuu

oh today.. i was supposed to have a pahe movie at galleRia... but then... oh NaGa... he woke up so late n caused us to delay it for tomorrow.. ga esok jangn telat lageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... duh kok jadi inget kata orang2 yang bilank klo mo do something itu improptu aja rather than planning it all along... klo diplan biasanya bataL.... but teori nih applicable banget ma tmn gw yang bernama Nage hohohohoho nonton bisa ngak jadi even udah ngeplan a day before... but We went On RoAdtRip to SF, which We PlanneD 3 houRs before.... jejjeje it was veterans day 2002... he called me at 9pm n asked me join him, dru, n niko to SF and we started the trip on 1 am! unFoRgeTAbLe deh loe orang ber3.... *kapan kita bergila2 lagi?*

eh eh eh tadi gw ada ke groceries di chinatown.. waktu mo balek ke mobil... o mai mai.. ampir gw teriakin tu org yg mo markir seblah... aduh tipis banget udah mo kena.... it was a x5.. trus udah gw tungguin ajah.. eh pas klaur ternyata berkerudung! mirip dato si rese jaman tinggal di utama boarding gitu deh.. pake baju kurung... n the license plate says "MELAYU" kekekekeke jadi geli sendiri deh.... bisa meliat makluk malay berkeredung di sini hohohohoho padahal tadinya dah mara.. coz 2 weeks ago.. kaca spion gw disempret ma org item... cuman gara2 org item kan gw nga brani hehehehhehehe

udah ah enuff for now.. mo telpon uCup =)


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