Monday, October 16, 2006

life is a rollercoaster ! hey ya ya ya ya

life is full of surprises, agree peeps?
i can say - i have gone through lots of up and down in the past 2 months!
some surprises are nice and sweet, but some others are just sad and grief.
afterall, i always go back to the rule of thumb: everything happens for a (some) reason(s) and let the time answer it :) i have to wait, but what can i do..... i feel- after all i have been through all the 21 years- makes me easily-open-hearted "AccePting" all the hurting realities which i have to walk by..... finnaly i realize: i am strong yet fragile!

i am not sure whether it's just a coincidence or it's a utamanian "curse...."
kenapa utamanians pada stress?? or is it really the period of time which people referred as "nyari jati diri" kind of thing.....??? now de BIG question in everybody's life: What i really want to do with my life? do i know what i want? NO! i am known to be a kind of girl who wants to get married and settle down and blablablabla.... en now here's come "teguran alam!" i went to 2 wedding xpos in the past 3 weeks- geez i thought it's gonna be hell of fun! it was for i kept having bites at bakery and restaurant stalls HAHAHAHAHAHA @ the same time, there's a thought in my mind. Marriage is a sacret thing, and why all these time i say i wanna get married soon.... it's not just i-love-you-you-love-me-let-live-together! it's more than that, i suppsoe marriage entails BIG responsibilities and commitments..... ask me now and I would say: i don't get married soon huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu or maybe waiting for someone who could change this perception :D

speaking of UtaMAnianS... "chapter 7: the colours of love" has just recently published! smartly written by KebHo! two thumbs up bho! hayuk write more! i am waiting for chapter 8 and chapter 9 lho! here we go......

| Utamanians Encyclopedia |

Chapter 7: The Colours of Love (Authored by: that guy KheBho)

It is nothing but only normal for two human beings to fall in love for each other. And for so many people, their first encounter with the bittersweet taste of love started as early as when they were still in high school. The story below tells the much-talked-about, the great and the UNIQUELY mind-blowing saga of love that happened right in this school Sri Utama back in the early days, made famous by the pioneer batch of Indonesian students enrolled at the school at that time.

It was funny, romantic, sad, resentful, passionate and in a few occasions, suicidal! Put it in one word, it is simply complicated, why? because there were just too many characters involved!

" B likes C, B confused and told D about it. D got friendly with C and it was only a matter of time before D fell in love with C. D was already going out with F at that time, he also got confused. E and I was D's closest friend, E and I knows everything about D.

E was already with someone called G who was L's ex. L has a friend called M who once questioned L on what is so good about G that make L love G so much . I was also hooked up already with K. One day E broke up with G for some reasons, and not long after, D also called it an end with F for stupid reason. Suprisingly it didn't take long for F to get a new partner, it was L!

Seeing D got so close to C, B probably was angry and/or hopeless at that time. Then came into the picture is A, who then eventually hooked up with B. B was smiling again.

Without D's knowledge, E is having it on with C behind D's back. D found out, both C and E was sorry. The three of them became friends again.

Then came graduation, everyone's leaving and going to different direction. B was "playing" around with H (whom was then an object of affection/lust for many people like X, Y and Z) when A was not around, they called it an end. C and E also didn't quite make it far. Neither I and K.

I for some reasons turned out to be a self-acclaimed seeds planter. I was trying to get it on with just anybody within I's grab. With C, with A and it was to be believed that I was trying to get it on with F also. Only God knows how many people has fallen into I's trap."

and the story continues from year to year...

Some of you readers might questioned the integrity of the story above. It could be a myth, a fable, a fairy tale, a true account or whatever it is you want to believe. But the message that the author is trying to say is... It is only fair for you who have read this chapter to decide for yourself -young reader- whether you are ready to face all the ups and downs and sideways of the many colours of love at such a young high-school age? what will be your story like? how are you going to play your character? is it gonna be the lonely suicidal guy who slashes his skin with a pocket knife everytime he got rejected? the you-should-be-proud-that-I'm-actually-talking-to-you kind of ermm.... whore? or that goofy lovefool who is waiting to be saved in the name of love?
But really, the one million dollar question is whether you and your friends can create even a more complicated saga of love in Sri utama with more twists and turns and drama? Please, no actual killing or getting someone pregnant should be involved in the making of your story.

Good luck, you are in a journey now.

It is sad to say that the author of this chapter has limited capability on keeping tracks of how this what-seems-to-be-a-never-ending tale of love continues, simply because "damn" (he said)... too many characters and its all web-tangled everywhere.

`Note: at the time this book is being published, the Author is still single and looking and he can't figured out why. Bless him.'

Bho, i copied yah!
and for my non-utama peeps, fyi: bubble is one of the character lho! who am i.... i shall say: make a guess or it's just gonna be utamanians secret.

ok, i got to go B zone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahha... emang mantep deh script sohib kt si kebo ini... tiap kali baca... yg ada senyum2 sendiri... emang bener kali ya... satu2nya hal yg bisa kt lakuin tiap kali kt reflect ke masa lalu, kt cuman bisa senyum2 doank... hihihihi

iya yah... wat epen aye naon ya ama utamanians akhir2 ini... termasuk diriku yg tak berdaya ini... *huekkksss*... yg mungkin ini part of life kali yg mesti kt laluin, kt share, biar saling ngetri *apa seh ah Huan*... en... seperti kata2 sinetron2 lalu... Badai pasti berlalu deh... :P

dah ah.. mulai ngaco lagi... laper sampe shaky2 neh...

5:37 AM  
Blogger inoedoshi said...

this is completely UNBELIEVABLE! same day, same post. LOL. well, i guess we, sagis, think the same way. wakakakaka. btw did he ask u to pay up royalty? ask me, he DID! LOL. someone's getting richer by the minute here ... wakakakakaa. Cheers.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~ are you kidding me?!?!?!?! 2 sites put up my writing and I didnt even hear a tiny noise about me getting any royalty or something!!! Do I look like a guy who'd do charity? pay up!!!!! hahaha...

laper sampe shaky2 huan? that bring up a whole new meaning of being hungry aite.... LOL.

"hey you, why you shakin' like that? didnt you eat your breakfast? "

"gee.. I dunno about you mate, but after that 2 Big Macs and large fries I'm still feelin' a lil' shaky here. Can we stop at that corner, I'm gonna grab myself a hotdog, you want one? Ouw c'mon.. I saw you shakin' it a lil' bit just now..."

10:52 AM  
Blogger bubble said...

iyah gw juga senyum2 baca ni chapter, gw ngak realize how complicated love could be huh....

iya nih gw pingin cepet taun baru, bair new spriit and new life... hopefully by then everybody's problems are clear.

2 assumptions here - utamanians think alike and *yeah* sagi think and behave similarly
so here we go, we have de same thing HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA

nah kebho hasn't ask me fo de royalty hihihihihi

but gw bener2 pingin continue nih with the next chapters........

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep2 I agree with u's all part of our life..and Im sure 5 or 10 years down the road, kita baru realize...ohh that's why that mean while..just keep hoping for the best:) and lots of prayer!

iya nittt i bener2 agree with u VERY BIG BIG BIG responsibilities!so better wait than regret it later.
speaking of wedding...i've been to some weddings too...processnya ajigilee pusing...hahaha imagine u have to deal with all that plus the grooms biasanya cuek2nya minta ampun...untill the "day" baru realize btapa repotnya ngurusin wedding my point is for u GUYS...u have to contribute at least 60% of work on ur wedding and so pasti ur bride bakal super duper happy hahahahahah LOL *sounds impossible huh?* j/k

oh iye kebo complain2 masa katanya bangkruttt gak dibayar ama elo and wisnu...masa minta bayaran dari sesama utamanians seh..amal dikit keq bo...entar paybacknya gede lho... hahahahah

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~ I don't care.. pay up or else I'll cry like a small girl who doesn't get to play with her barbie dolls!!! I warn you, that would be a one big nasty scene right there! ~

12:02 PM  
Blogger bubble said...

iyah nih... waiting to know what's the reasons behind all the happenings--

emang nih bantuin ncik gw kok ngeh betapa cowok itu terkadang dodol ye... ce nya mo cantik en perfect for de wedding, lha co nya ndak bantu huhuhuhuhuhhuhu

hahahahhaa mo royalty apa nih bho? a trio set of barbie, ken, and kelly?

btw chapter 10: we're shaking! do u smell what utamanians are eating??

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moahahahaha i have the 1st script... so... no royalty for you deh bo... kan voluntarily kan??? hihiihi... jk jk... eh bo... justru kt orang dari kemaren2 mo liat loe nangis tuh gemana... kumaha atuh iye teh...

"btw chapter 10: we're shaking! do u smell what utamanians are eating??" --> baked beans, telor mata sapi, roti isi telor and nasi lemak for brekfes, nasi briyani for lansh, chicken chop for diner, sosis en nugget buat saper... yg lainnya... apa lagi ya... oh iya... roti kadaluarsa for breakfast jg... :P... gile... pantes kt sehat2...

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kebo please do cry like a girl..and dont forget to video it..trus pasang yeh di we all can see u cry

9:14 PM  

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