u.n.u.s.u.a.l. ... m.o.n.d.a.y.
today is Monday, a day before HalloWeeN!
anyone have a great celebration during weekends?
i don't~ hix.
my weekends are just packed with GMAT classes, GMAT study, and Office Overtasks.
GMAT is a real pain. I feel super dumbo.o.o.o *yeah with quatro o-s* when I tried out the Math problems, i thought how could i get an A for my AO back then huh?!?! As of today, I hardly solve simultaneous equations and square-root calculations - to name just a couple of crazee problems available in the test. Adding the data suffiency problems, I feel xhausted or maybe i would say giving up. There's no way I can master these problems in just a month! Going on further, I continued with verbal section. Reading comphrension is always and never be a great skill for me -- en to defend myself, I rather say: both the reading materials and the combination questions&answers are tricky!! dooh especially those readings with social science, archelogy, and history themes... reading it once make me headache! The torture does not end here, there is a critical reasoning section that are very-unfortunate-critical for me. it's so damn hard! when i mention "hard," it means difficult to gasp and luck is the only hope HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE To make the headache turns to migrane, the test simply switches to a sentence correction section. I find by far this is not the most red-brick-hard section... but still the combination all together makes me hoek-hoek-hoek.
I want to let it freely.... let my unprepared mind determines my score; then it turns out guilty is on the way - SO i decided to GEAR UP! allocating and also sacrificing my weekends free time to study :S The class that I took is just okay, I can't say it helps me or not but at least it gives me new tricks about the test. PLUS, one cute guy next to me wOHooooOooooo
oh oh oh.. this class seems not rite to me. First, I am the only black-hair. Second, I bet I am the youngest in the class! Third, I am one of the fours who work for a small company. During the intro, everyone introduced themselves and 90% of them said "I work for Boeing... I work for Microsoft.. I work for Paccar.. I am in a military.." hueks -- may be it's true when people say that SeattLeittes are just bunches of Boeing and Microsoft employees LOL Gawd, it just feel awkward.. the same feeling like I was in the freshman and sophomore classes where I used to be a small Asian girl with black hair among the gempal bules. the bad news is everytime i am in those classes, i flunk my grade HOPEFULLy it would be a different storie for GMAT.
i come to office today.. like de usual monday routine, peeps share the weekends.. so do I telling them about GMAT class. i found out that both of my supervisors had studied GMAT. One took it when he was still in France.. He is actually the President of the company - yeah since it's a small company so he is my second stage supervisor. His name John, same like my dad.. maybe he is a dad in the house - the one who always treats me like his own daughter HHAAHAHAHAHAHA While, Jay - my direct supervisor said that finally ended up postponing the test and he is not taking it yet up till now. They are very supportive, they know why I need to take GMAT and so they gimme advices.... John said "all you need to do is practice - Practice - and practice! get used to every question types...." then Jay said "maybe she needs some time off to study!" *an-eye-blinking* I just went instantly nodding my head! hahhahahahahha John then asked me when will I take the test and he agreed to give me some time off without cutting off my PTO :D see how he is a such daddy to me.
John, Jay, and I are currently the trios who do Morning Glory. We are glad that some of our calls have showed postive results - lots of inovoices coming in. During the meeting, we discussed on our target and we come up with a possible reward once we hit our target. A day off! To make things even merrier, we also make a deal that if we can get refunded on one of our jack-ass clients named "M*rr**tt" - clue: 5*s hotel - who always send in boxes of invoices very last minute - we'll have another day off! Jay and I are apparently the only twos Generation XY in the company, while the rest are all baby boomers - so we are the duo who cheer the most whenever there's time off and who hate so much about morning glory. Keeping the fingers crossed for de two days off! Another day off is also guranteed after the end year application dateline. I can't wait to have a great 3 days off on December! final month of this ugly beautiful year AWwwwW will it be a happy sweet nice ending to wrap up the whole year craps or will it be a sad bitter grief ending to complete the title of the worst year in bubble's life? let's the time rolls and the drums beat... i'll find the answer soon.
this is really an unusual Monday.
i am about to leave office now, and hoping to meet the bus guy. LOL.
have a great week peeps
and HappY HallOwEeN!
twin! im on a boat with u... well done describing GMAT test..anybody else want to join us preparing for the test? eh got time off visit ur other twin dunk^__^
iyah nih, passing a GMAT test will be like a sunshine in a winter :D so i am hang on to me study :D
gw sih klo ngak gmat, thanksgiving dha ngabur sumwehre deh. how bout ur plan 4 thanksgiving?
gua ambilnya sebelon thanksgiving gitu.gua thanksgiving bakal diajak retreat gitu sehh...well nyobain heheheh..maunya jalan2 but dunnow where to go and with sapa gitu..road trip yok guysss...yang di jkt sg canada buruan ke seattle...we start from there :)
lah ini arek2 yg di US koq pada kurang demokrasi yah?!? masak start nya di seattle. why not canada gitu lho! itung2 kan gw paling muda di gank kite. LOL. woohooooo. Cheers.
hah paling muda noe? serius.. i am older than u eh? kok isa se? ehmm.. starts from seattle trus ke vanco, bc then ke east tmpt loe aja noe.. trus turun ke boston-new york-phili-dc segala sampe florida... trus ke enw orleans then texas... trus naek lagi ke chicago trus ke kiri deh sampe nevada and calif... gosh bubble ngimpi or just really plan sih?!?!
btw syen, kapan ada decision ketrima skola di mananya? trus retreat ke mana?
~ road tripnya singgah ke singapore ngak? ~
duh noodlezz miss the line up there deh ya.... kan dah di bialng yang di jkt,sg, and canada ke us dulu starts di seattLe LALALAALLALALA
ehmm singapore road trip asia kali ya :)
twin, kayanya taunya yah abis hasil gmat gua itu...*crossing my fingerrrrrrrr* aduh nu justru jaman skrg yang paling muda kudu ngalah kali yahh hahahahahah
retreatnya itu daerah dalas up north lagi gitu deh..gua juga gak pernahh ikut begituan...
btw nit let's make ur plan come true heauhaeu im on it!
duh kebo bisa baca gak seh..tripnya gak sampe ke sg..entar kalo pada balik indo baru road trip..hihihi
nah,yang indo ke sing terus ke paris terus ke seatle gabung ??? aku ikutan.
Naik kereta api tut tut tut, siapa hendak ikut................
~ nit.. ur mom rawk!!! haha... saya ikut tante dech... tapi dibayarin yahhh.. huhuhu ~
my gawd my mom...
bu saya mau ke paris! gila bisa stuck di paris duit tiket balik ke seattle nya dipake shopping hohohohohohoho
tu nyokap gw mah jalan2 molo... kmrn baru balik hk next month mo ke europe pulak! living to de fullest ya tante?? eh-eh si tante tu langgannan jkt-sg-jkt, loe bole lha anter2 nyokap gw klo dia di sg. eh si tante ada keponakaan ce single lho bho.. seumuran gw :D
brapa lama retret syen? gw terakir tu ajman sd kali retret hihihihi
huaaa ikut donk tanteee... gua juga mau ke pariss..wah gua juga suka jalan2 huhuhuhuhu bo elo kalo dibayarin..trus lo bayarin gua yah kan harus timbal balik hihihi
retreatnya bakal dari kamis sampe minggu..iyaaa gua juga retreat jaman gua masih kelas sd6..gosh feel so oldd...
btw...lia lagi ngumpet yah??? koq gak nongol2...lia keluarrr:P
~ seumuran lo single? mauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... lol ~
dooh gw dah kebayang thanksgiving gw stucked at home reading that thick book--
wah loe ngka bisa black friday dung syen? hhehehehehhe gw dja ngelist brg yg kira2 gw mau bli gini hohohohohohoho
iya huan.. ke mana nih??
make ur browine points dolo ma nyokap gw dunk :P
iya... ada apa??? *nongol sambil ngupil* hihhihi... wah... ke paris??? mesti langsung sewa SUV donk nit... hihihi :P
iya... ada apa??? *nongol sambil ngupil* hihhihi... wah... ke paris??? mesti langsung sewa SUV donk nit... hihihi :P
iya kaga black friday deh...lo biasanya emangnya ngantri gitu pagi2? gua gak pernah sih..abis suka pusing keramean..btw lo biasanya black friday kemana nit/toko apa yang di incer? alow liaaa...long time no hear from u hehe
oh tentu SUV dung.. klo compact itu kebho dkk ngka bisa bernapas lega kali yah... lagian pasti rame2... klo perlu van :D
black friday gw biasa jam 7 baru klaur rumah sih.. klo kayak ebst buy gitu gw ngak pernah... solanya ntah mo bli apa... pingin bli trus dijual sih - cuman takut ngak kejual... baisanya gw ke toko baju, mereka baisa sampe jam 10 banyak diskon or loe dapet free gift gitu. my 3 favs are guess, ae, and express, trus abis jam 10 ke macys.. mereka diskonnya sampe jam 12.
wow pagi aja hehehe biasanya gua masih tidur lol...tapi dulu pernah sih nit ke san marcos tapi yah berantakannya itu bikin gak tahan..jadi gak shopin deh..tapi lumayan kalo dapet free gift hihihi
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