it's the 9th day here in Singapore.
lots of culture shocks!
lots of new things, many are tolerable - few of them are: walking to MRT stations, eating at 24 hours kopitiam, and carrying your groceries home.
just TWO things i can't adapt:
1. a bathroom without any separator between the closet and the shower!
2. bau ketek when you stand on MRT during evening peak hours!
i can feel u for a bathroom yang gak ada separator..maybe u should buy a partition gitu twin..buat misahin..gak bisa yah? but just hang in there! u will get used to it after a while:D
dah kerja nit? | qiak
waduh susah dah twin bikin partition, mesti either pake ubin biar oke, even mo dipasanganin shower curtain juga nganggu saking lebarnya pendek huhuhuhuu
blom mulai nih, mudah2an secepetnya
nit kalo mau join singaporean amateur astronomers
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