is she loosing her freedom?
Recent in-house comments become nightmares!! Going out with friends at 11.30pm is considered a sin. Driving 5 cm away from your neighbor car in Jakarta traffic is called careless driving. Doing freelance jobs is called jobless without life-planning.
The worst among the bads: being asked whether are you serious or not with your favorite guy. Not sharing to have a fav guy seems wrong in parents-children hood, but when you shared... then they bug you with unimportant head-scratching questions.
My best friend just told me: that's always been girl's parents tricks to press their daughter to tie a knot. is it really? hehehehehehe
I'm just 22 (double-two). Should I be still flying with all my wish by now?
tWenty-Two poem is under perfection.
not much freedom while you're still living under your parents' roof :)
*gazer = jeff ??
i come in peace hehehe
iya nit kmrn males login
take it easy twin:) typical parents kali yaa...
iya nih.
hang in here~
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