Friday, September 30, 2005

1:04 am

people, i just created a wish list on the left.. along with my fav links n my goodie2 friends....
you know.. hallowen is coming in a month.. then thanksgiving is next... my birthday is coming up in early dec too... definetely chirstmas n new years after that... i just created the wish like my sis... to help you out in finding something for me.... for the special days that i have just mentioned..... kan jadi nag eprlu repot mikir mau apa gitu... huahuahauhauhauhauhauhuahauhauhauhua....

nYong u must get me ONE of the ListEd items! u work and u have never treat me.... payah nih! have been waiting for about 2 months? kekekekkekeke
mom, klo ngeliat ni website.. choose the one that u think i can't afford to buy by myself.... jejejejejejejeje... dun shop in a rush... i still got couple more coming on the way... =)

i really like doing this.... creating wish list on a web! at least it proves that i have learnt something from my ecis major... RAO must be proud! =)

oh i got to tell u guys my teacher named MR. Madhu Rao... he reminds me of my AO Math teacher back in highskool... that cruela woman named Hemalata.... she scolded me for about 40 minutes!! gosh gosh gosh.. can't forget that day.. but PROUDLY announced i am one of the survivors of that class lho! awal form 4 ada kali 20 anak yg ambil... at the end of form 5.. cuman ada 6 students including me... can u think of any reason why is it so? i think it's all because of her.... hemalata! wuwuwuwuwuwu anyways, she'd good at teaching tough.. hehehehehe
gosip nih gosip... katanya si hema udah puya anak trusan jadi guru les rumahana gitu lho....

back to Rao.. entah for some reason ato apa yah.. kayaknya kok bindi itu paling senewen ma gw.. gw inget ni si Rao suka call on me to answer his questions.... wuwuwuwu mpe 1 kelas pada kecian kale ma gw~ wuwuuwuwuwuwu....

haduh enuff deh got to sleep... got to work tommorow.. as Ronie kbronk said... kerja mencari segenggam berLian huahauhauhauhauhauahuahauhauhauhuahuaa

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

dO yOu tHinK thErE is eNouGh lOvE leFt in the wOrLd to hoLd it toGeTheR?

"I know ther isn't enough love in my family, and it doesn't feel like there is enough love in this school. I don't think there is enough love in this town oe in this country. But sometimes, at night when I'm trying to pray, I think there must be enough love somewhere." --- Fran Ferder and John Heagle

"All the lonely people, where do they all come from? " --- The Beatles

Sunday, September 25, 2005

PoRtLanD tRip

yesterday, i went to PortLand w/ uCup boy n his sista.
we just went to electronic stores.. bestbuy, comp usa, apple, and costco... uCup bli macem2 dari ipod mpe laptop... yah emank tujuan ke sana belanja sih since nga ada tax... wut u see is wat u pay! heuheuuehueuhehe...

gi jealous ma uCup n aYu... they bought iPod 20 GB! i want a new one dong..... nYong loe jangan lupa bayar ye... gw bukan kreditor neh huhuhuhuhu
oh yeah.. maybe lots of u have heard about iPod nano! duh itu iPod kok isa sold out ya.. padahal menurut gw itu iPod wannabes banget udah kayak X3 gituh! nga originaL.... kecik sih kecik cuman not that kewL hauhauhuahauhauhua

duwgh! gw nga ikutan belanja nih! sedi sedi sedi sedi...

oh i got to tell u this japanese sushi restaurant... u have to stop by at SabuRo @ bybee street if u'r in porland. it is well known for the big sushi n for the queue!! i waited for about 1 hour to get a tabLe... but worth it banged..... unagi sushinya aja tuh ya.... nasinya sebesar sushi2 di tipikal japanese resto.. tapi unaginya... separo porsi unagidon! duh sayang kmrn saking lapernya gw nga poto dulu hauhauhauhaua bener2 gede... makan 2 pieces of those udah berasa makan unagidon beneran...........

mungKin yang paling bete klo gw ke poRtLand itu si chiko! keciaaaaaaaaann deh gw tinggalin seharian.. thanks for nYong for taking care of him!

cabut dulu ah... mo sign a new lease... gosh i'll be extending my stay @ vantage park for another 9 months~

Thursday, September 22, 2005

1st dAy of FaLL 05

here, i am working @ pigott computer lab. nyang nga tau ttg pigott --> pigott tuh business building di seattle university. lemme tell u that pigott is the meeting point for indonesians. u can hear someone speaks indo or javanese eventough ur on the 3rd floor. isn't magic??
most common things that i hear: "ko-we wes mangan opo hurung?" "pegi cia yuk" "pulang yo" "loe ada os-nya ansari/callahan nga? - kowe nduwe os e callahan rak?" "klo telat 5 menit sih nga apa-apa"

first day, i hope to see new faces... tapi kok masih langka ya... wuwuwuwu
lots of new co workers for this quarter... luckily banyak co-nya hiehieiehie bukan utk cuci mata lho! tapi enak klo di "mintain" bantuan angkat2 paper and toner heiauhueaheauhaihaehiauhaeiu *evilish lauff*

dE first class is called ECIS 466 - Database Management System. Gurunya namanya bon oh kim, entah napa maunya dipanggil ben kim - katanya biar sounds like american. aikhs! lucu gitu bentuk gurunya... chubbie2 korea pake kacamata kayak harry potter hahahaha... i think he used to be a car dealer or something like that.. he speaks everything a-z w/out any point. untung2 ada becandanya klo nga bisa tidur gw.... well oh well..... kelasnya juga old faces gitu dhe.. tapi mahkluk cewek itu langka banget! kayak-e dari 28 cuman 6 ce-nya huhuhuhuhu

next class is THRS 322 - Justice in Sexual Relationship. THRS is the short for theology and religious study.. i am not quite sure why there is such a sexuality class for a theology class. anyway, i got to take a 300 level of theology class to satisfy my CORE.. and one of my friend recommended this class since he took it last quarter and he got A easily. masuk kelas.. no big surprise... gw the third person yg berkepala hitam.. yg laennya blonde siahhh sebel juga kelas ginian.. pasti tu bule2 kerjaannya cuman bs n bs... udah gitu ni kelas kelarnya jam 8 malem lagih.. mo pulang udah gelep.. aikhs

another class that i just finished is MKTG 352 - Marketing Communication. gurunya co.. mungkin baru kali ini guru gw bule, co, badannya kurus! he is a photographer yang end up jadi advertsising consultant... may be it can be a lesson for all of us... no matter what we study or good at... it can lead us to a job that's really in an unexpected field. klo gw sih ngimpinya kerja di dunia celebrities and entertainment hauhauhauhaua anyway, i hope this class's gonna be fun!

ok got to stop now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

AlaRm is On!

school starts tomorrow... which means i have to set my alarm again.... it has been a month sleeping w/out it! how great my sleep was... wuwuwuwuwu

anyways, my schedule is not tat bad... not like some people in canada n jakarta yang complain schedulenya mess up huahuahauhauhaa... smua kelas gw sih aturan mulai jam 3:45 pm... bisa ngebabi sih banget tuh cumannya ada kerjaan yg tiap ari muali jam 11... trusan pagi2 kudu bawa my chiko darling jalan2 buat doodoo =) chiko sekarang babi nih........ tidur molo... pasti gara2 uCup boy! trus makan molo.. klo yang ni gara2 ci2k gw n probaby teman2nya yang biasanya nanya ke gw... chiko boleh gw kasi jagung nga? kasi buntut? kasi vodka? kasi tequilla? aiks!

- advertising-
ada textbook internet marketing, marketing, management, philosophy, business law, ethics
anyone interested ask me for details
ada yang punya resep2 masakan nga? i'm in the mood of cookin nih...
heading to the kitchen ah..
out now.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

PullayuP FaiR

I went to Pullayup Fair today. It takes an hour driving to get there... but it's worth going tough!
Lots of new things there... esp. animals... ada lama, turkey, peacock, kelinci segede kucing, babi segede kebo -- 590 pounds!, genuiea pig.

Yang paling seru tetep liat babi segede kebo.. never seen a piggie that big.. hauhauahuahuahua
piggienya abis beranak gitu.. anaknya ada 13 ekor! lucu2 warnaya masi pinky semua! dah gitu jadi malu sendiri.. rasanya gw kok kayak piggie... tidur molo! jejjejejejje

worth it nya lagih.... makanannya buanyakk banget n enak2.. dari cotton candy, bbq spare ribs, roasted chicken, phili steaks, pizza, elephants ears, roasted turkey leg, funnel cake, stroberi short cakes, n scoones. tell u wut.. mpe rumah langsung pada ngantri ke kamar mandi. kekhekhekhkhekeh

oh ya.. another interesting thing is a machine called televac. what it does is read ur personality based on ur handwriting and zodiac. i tried it since it only costs $3. here's just the short list of the results:
  • the whole world interests you
  • you enjoy creating hapiness for others
  • your natural charm brings you many friends
  • you have very good taste and can't tolerate anything cheap or gaudy --> hauhuahauhauhua
  • you are absenet-minded at times
  • you may be overly critical andd too prone to give advice --> oooops!

what do you think? is it so me? *___*

enuff for now.. got to go walk with chiko my boy

out now.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Ch1Ko  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

bubble's back

bubble's back.......
mo bloggin' an lagi ah.......
but people.. ajarin ngedit template nya dung..
gw mo tambah embel2 di bawah chat box... gimana yak?
bhooooooooo mo volunter lagi nga? hihihiihi
thanks for putting tat box ya bho jejejeje

gila.. gw major IS tapi pusink ngeliat code nya..
gawat nga sih?

couple questions:
- itu gimana yah org yg bukan blogger bisa ikutan kasi comment?
- gimana tambah embel2 di bawah chat box kayak... my fav links?
code2 nya generate dari mana sih??

udah ah segini dulu.. mo testing2 dulu hehehe

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

1st try

try try try