Tuesday, May 30, 2006

gRaduation is coming!

commencement is coming up on de 11th June...
en u all are invited to attend!
the venue will be held at Qwest Field, SeattLe starting @ 9:30 sharp!
de weather says it would be a shinny day :D
bring urself there... en hear my name being called and see me walking tat stage
feeling excited but restless at de same time when i think how bored it would be sitting down there for about 4 hours!

trus trus... if u wanna bring sumthing for me....
*uhuk-uhuk* i have a short list here LOL
no i am just kidding!

but, nYong en nyak en dad....
i expect sumting lho!
these r de two things tat i have wished for.....
daripada bingung-bingung mending gimme wut i want HHUHAUHAUAHAHAUHAUHAUHAUA
1. sumthing tat would makes us closer! jauh di mata tapi slalu deket di hati :D
2. a life supporting device when i am bored en mad... i know u don't wanna see me bored en mad don't u??
nyong.. jangan pura-pura ngak baca luh! kekekekekkekeke
crossing my fingers... smoga dikasi :D

i took de cap en gown today...
i took de smallest size available, i tried it, en as expected it is still very loose!
agrrrhhhhh can i make adjustment to it eh?
oh i need input wut should i write in de spelling section? how am i to break down de spelling of my name??? sumone help me pleaseeeee

Saturday, May 27, 2006

size 2!

i went to buy a pair of jeans today.. en found out tat i am no longeR fit into size 0!
now i am on size 2! huhuhuuhuhuhuhuhu
u knoe who en what should i bLame for...
in these past 3 months.. i couldn't control wut's comin into my stomach!
g-sus... i ate wayyyyyyy TOO much! i worrie about things TOO much which eventually makes me begging en grabbing more en more fud.... haiks--
So, the plan is now to strictly put myself to DIET mode... 5 pounds in 2 weeks!

bHo, HuaN, en Noe... i knoe when u read this u guys are happppppy for knowing tat i have gained some pounds but.. seriously.. gw ngak pede nih dengan this additional pounds... i looked myself on de mirror en felt tat my cheeck is swallowed... one seems to be a charsiu paw en de other is kung pao paw huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

weight gain is one thing!
another sad thing is HerroTzky left de states...
dugh.. gw klo siang mo cetting ma sapa neh.... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
sapa lagi nih live morning alarm gw plus my interview guru hehehehehhehe

anyways, best of luck to you in JakarTa en SingaPore if u ever decided to go there so!
but pleaseeeeeeee remember me if u, bho, en kambink has a fud fiestaaaaaaa JEJEJEEJEEJE

one more sad thing is all reality shows have just ended!
- Taylor Hicks is de new American IdoL....
watchin de final makes me realiazed one thing! mental juara itu penting!
kat is a really sweet gal... cuman sayang she cried on de last song... yang menurut gw dia kurang punya mental juara hehhehe en i guess tat wut brought the lost!
- aRas ganteng juara survivor..... really this guy is just humble, nice, simple, en sweet HEHEHEHEHEHE de best emank always wins!
-DanieLe won american next top model! she has de personality! outgoing en fun.... en most importantly... she has tat damn bodilicioussssssssssssss huhuhuhuhuhu

i am still CONFUSED deciding which road should i take for de future life journey
seattLe or London??!?!?!?! work or school??!?!
well i guess let de time solves this puzzle of mine...

Monday, May 22, 2006

thRee daYs fuD FiesTa

trying a neighborhood resto...
it was damn good food!
lobster bisque - veal - bread pudding!
nyam nyam

margo en ai met @ UW Fair

devy en me

me en my sis

us again! have another fud fun day!

epoy - me - fi - ngel

markie butut en de gaLs

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

bubbLe's diLemma

today is may 17th!
same old same old:i am still unemployed...
new thing: i am unconditionally accepted to 2 of the uk unis! also i have one conditioned accepeted to 1 uni! it becomes unconditional once i sent my toefl test result.....

time never stops en so does de spin in my head...
it rotates 360 degrees everyday... i want to stop de spin but i couldn't...
i got to think *hard* making "rite" decision for my future!
well de options are clearly: forcing myself to get a job OR putting my self @ relax mood by simply going to graduate schooL!

well, it looks 2nd option is simple en just sweet! but HELLO.... if i do this option.. it means that i will go back to indo *eventually for good* earlier compared if i can get a job en postpone my study! PLUS.. my dad's pressure... he doesn't allow me to stay any longer than july in states if i don't have a job! he wants me to directly pursuing my master degree en searching for a mister @ de same time HOHOOHOHOHOHO aren'u dad?!?!?!

now option one may looks refreshin' for de damn reason tat i am not READY to go back.... en mentally not ready to start de whole new education level....
buttttttt, i am tired sending resumes out without any good results!
got luck tat time ... but then de job is sucks
then still waiting for another 2 responses..... hopefully there's sumting tat works out... aMiN!

yesterday i had a late supper with naga.... en talking to MR. Naga really inspired me! FYI *mungkin ada yang ngak tahu* Naga is one of de closest en oldest friend tat i have here in SeaTTle.... even skrg jarang hang out... huhuhuhuhhuhuhuhu
niwei nice to go around seattle by nite with NAGA.... i have missed this old ritual for sumtimes..... well, yesteday ritual is sumhow not complete..... cos we are missing couple guys...... daNieL - ndRew - Heng-Q !! we miss u lots en lots..... de laff en de screams are not tat strong u knoe guys :S

anyways.... here's de top 5 points from Naga en moi conversation!
1. don't start any other education right after ur graduation cos based on other experiences, i can get burnt out! en my missing kbRonk is one of them! bronk bronk kok ndak pernah crita sih loe ma gw! huhuhuhuhuhu
2. i will be more happy to live in indo..... taken de assumption of the postive correlation between my manja-ness en my family & friends presence hihihihihihihihi
3. i am a picky girL! dia bilang i am loooking for a balance physical and personaloty in a guy?!?!?! am i?? maybe u guys can help me out to correct or RE-correct his opinion LOL
4. school is de best place to find your soulmate! besides school public transportation is a good soul-mate meeting media too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i knoe sumone meet his cinderella on a bus station.... also sumone who meet her "white-horse prince" on a Bandung-Jakarta train! LOL
5. SeattLe is a good place to live! de diversity en de geographic city plan are great... it's just de weather tat becomes a problem sumtime.....

i think i am just waiting... en waiting.... en waiting...... for sumthing tat i don't even exactly sure ~ shhhhhiiieeeettttyyyyyyy i am so freakin' aimless now!
but dun worrie... i am sure i'll get through this!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

- my last 10 days -

me en aLice @ river walk, san antonio
"beer en margarita to go, miss?"
luv this pLace

de girLs @ syen's grad dinneR

george bush library

(this area will be george bush's cemetary - president 'era perang iran 1990s')

me @ aLaMo....

most famous war in de texas history!

jendela kedua dari kanan atas.... is de window where de JFK's killing bullet comes out!

me @ rice university

me en hanafi @ kemah broadwalk!

(this place is sumhow kaco.. u can drink beers @ children's pool... even when de children r present! g-sus! dasar texas edan! )

me en Lucia (while waiting....)

me en aLice @ AusTin

me @ de TexaS capiToL

sYen's Grad!

SU-ers (class of 2006) @ trinity :D

another shot @ trinity

Saturday, May 06, 2006

dear GaLs...

song: KaReNa WanItA
artist: AdA BanD

lekuk indah hadirkan pesona
kemuliaan bagi yang memandang
setiamu simbol keanggunan
khas perawan yang kau miliki

aku lah pengagum ragamu
tak ingin ku menyakitimu
lindungi dari sengat dunia yang mengancam
nodai sucinya lahirmu

karena wanita ingin di mengerti
lewat tutur lembut dan laku agung
karena wanita ingin di mengerti
manjakan dia dengan kasih sayang

inginku ajak engkau menari
mandi hangat cahaya bulan
sebagai tanda kebahagiaan
bagi semesta cinta kita

bintang terang itulah dirimu
janganlah redup dan mati
aku dibelakangmu memeluk


here's de song dedicated to my gaLs
tengkiu to LucIa yang sent this ing to me :)

be sTrong yah Lus...
masih banyak cowok kok di texas hihihihihihihi
oh don't forget this lesson in ur life.. jangan kayak gw yang never learnt from de past...... hikshiks

trus buat Lucia's sister haahahahhaahhaa
take a break! jangan kerja molo!
spend sometime to find a cute en gentle guy over there!

buat LiLi di bOsToN
jangan kapok in everything u do!
every experience just enriches ur life and so don't feel scared to try new things :)
hayuk kapan kita ke CaLif lagi.......
temenin gw makan GhiRarDeLLi ama shoppin H&M ama ......... hohohohohohoho

buat sumone di PertH
moments just come en go... en He knows what's best for each of us....
stand still as u were beib... i know u could! c'mon where's de smiLe???
i'll be ready here whenever u need...

ehmm buat yang kerja di t-Mobile
*ehem* udah jangan ikut-iktuan trend dunk
spring is here en get urself a hunk
or a firefighter probably...

trus sumone yang lagi intern di PWC-Sg
haduh dah kelamaan loe sendiri
ngak mau dimanjain kah??? udah banyak gitu yang ngantri
nyari yang kayak gimana lagi huhuhuhuhuhuhu

en other gALs...
be confidence of urself!
we are all beautiful! *snaps or probably gw kudunya post lagunya christina aguilera*
klo masih singLe yah dun worrie even tough sumtimes menyesalkan
since no one accompany en no shoulder to cry on huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
but hey... u got me! :)

buat yang udah in relationship *duh fs banget sih*
stay there sis.... hopefully everything works well till de end :)