Tuesday, February 28, 2006

TO the one i loved

the man i adore is you
you know who you are...

you give me love, you make me happy
you give me care, you make me smile
you always have time for me, you always make me feel beautiful
you never tell me lies, you never break my heart

you make my dreams come true when I didn't believe they could

you are my ideal partner
and i miss you so..

i hope to see you once again and show me how to L-o-v-E you

thanks for being by my side whenever i need you
thanks for teaching me patience and tolerance
thanks for the love that makes other people envy us
thanks for letting me have the last bite of our last green tea tiramisu
thanks for your love and fidelity

i just try to be strong now

dedicated for Yoki S.M.K.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


everything goes fast and unpredictable,,
and i am confused rite now,,
i feel insecure and vulnerabLe,,
oh Lord, please lead me now,,
::I was so young.. and now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing::
::I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt::
::Because of you.. I am afraid::
..So I look in your direction
But you pay me no attention, don't u?
But you know how much I need ya
And you never even see me..

Sunday, February 12, 2006

iT's VaLenTiNe

Happy Valentine's Day all....... special MUACcCHhhhh for my darling... nyong, mom, en dad : D BEIB, kemaren kok tumben romantis pas jam 12 nelpon *ehem* eh hun, tat's de heart tile tat i made for you.. unfortunately, it was not ready by de time Luly's went home,,,, cantik yak?!?! aku yang buat lho.... ngak nyuruh orang,, this 1 i gurantee Kezia or urself can't make it,, it needs aRt and jari-jari lentikk HOHOHOHOHOHO admit it lha beib JEJEJEJEJEJE

anyways, how's de day going 4 everyone? you just don't wanna hear my day... i am working a closing shift on valentine's day.... wut another SIN tat i am doing rite now eh?!!!

OooooHhh,, i just remember something!! my car plate is expiredddddddddddddddddd damN! i paid de registration fee 2 weeks ago,, but i just forget to pick up the new stickeR at department of vehicle arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,, anyways, happy b'day to MANJA,, 1 of my life-surviving devices here in SeattLe.... got it 2 years ago from dad on valentine's day HEHEHEHEHEHE thank you very very very much dad.... love you,,,, anyways won't u gimme a Gucci bag for this year valetine present?!? i told mom which 1 i want ; ) *ehem-ehem*

let de luv spreads around,,
hope ur day is filled with chocolate and roses,,


a senior big sin!

i just finished my rough draft for dat damn senior project! i have just wrote about 16 pages single space for the marketing section.... can u believe it? 16 pages single space for a rough draft!! really,,i sacrifice lots: physically en mentally!! plus i have been forced to do BIG BIG SINs thesedays! wanna knoe wut are those "sins"?? studying @ library at Saturday nite EN studying @ de lab on shinny sunday in winter quarter are just 2 of them!

One interesting point that i learnt from my project:
German brewmasters now starts formulating healthy beers that can support your skin anti- aging process.... sounds weird yet intersting isn't?

enuff about my project.... here's de fun stuff comes....

yesterday, i'm just so bored en totally lost my "writing spirit" HEHEHEHEHE then,, my craziest mind whispered mysoul tat i should do something FRESH! *duh bubble sok berphilosophical dengan body, mind, and soul HAIYOOOOOOO* kekekekeke SO, i suddenly remember my long term due HAIR CUT!! rite on, i had my HaiR CuT! still long but it gets temporarily straightened.... i love my haircut... just simple and nice!

wut do you guys think?? better or wut? some of my friends said that i have just bocome a sUrobayan girL *ehem* anyways, si ChiKo guanteng yah... duh anak gw ganteng-e PoLLLLLLLLL huahauhauhauahuaua ^_____^

VEGAS here i come again! Hanafi, Huan, en I decieded to head Vegas as a starting point! gamBling-dRinking-Shooping-Eating in 24 hours x 4!! guysssss mari menggila! get`ready yah.. it's just a month away lhoo kekekekekkeke

Eating @ McCormick Lake Union last fRiday! it's a nice resto lho... not like de one that is located @ 2nd Ave.... so SeattLites.. a worth place to go...
My little ratings: price $$ scenary ***** food****

JUST wanna say HappY B'DaY for Heng ShirleY and LucY!!

i better stop here deh,, my eyes udah pedes di depan kompie molo in de past 64 hours... i'll be back soon!
enjoy de pics...

Monday, February 06, 2006

SupeRbowL weekend

bete bete bete SeaHawKsssss lost! damn it's 21-10,, SattLeites say it's NOT a fair GamE!!!!! boooooooooo SteeLErs boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

duwgh got a marketing midterm on Wednesday nih :S i am just slacking of... lazy to study! haiks~ anyways, this is gonna be my last midterm! HAHAHAHAHAHa

nothing much happened around me.... just those stromy winds have made my days spooky! plus, pressure to finsih de report fRom management class! arrrrghhhhhhh i wanna go shop n shop n shop! shopping is de best medicine when i am feel crap like this! welllllllllll i did shop! HOHOHOHO i am waiting for my circled-edge high heel shoes to come : D hehehhehehehe

i keep this entry short coz i got bunch of notes to read

peace and out now.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

febRuaRy is ON

iT's febRuaRY!! here we r on de month of luf..... may ur month is filled with finest luv from your loved ones..

thanks for YouR full bLessing on my dad's lil surgery yesterday! get well soon pap... miss u akh~ huhuhuhuhu

this week is wet! g-sus ~ the rain keeps on pouring here! dunno when it's gonna stop. feeling like going back to fall instead of entering sPring! i wanna haif sunshine! coz when de sun comes out, it's de time for sUngLasseS! HAHAHAHAAHAHA

actually nothing much with my boring-daily-activities: class-work-kitchen-sleep-chiko! actually this week could be interesting if i had a hair cut,,, unfortunately i called couple salons yesterday n all of them r fully booked till dis wiken... is it a sign spRing is coming? everyone goes to salon eh?!?!??!! or probably it means very long winter has caused people's hair in a mess,,, maybe getting naturally blowed up by de wind eveRyday KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE *apa sih bubble makin ari makan kaco* anyways, i have made an appt. for next week! Yey! det ready for new bubbLe NeXt week! KEKEKEKEKEE *kok makin asal*

i went to Bank of America today,,, checking out dier new CD product that my sis told me yesterday. it's a 5 monhts risk-free CD with 3 point over interests! HOHOHOHO eN i decide to have that CD! de exciting thing is not that i have a new Cd, BUT i have a new personal bank! eeeeeeennnnn He's so handsome siaLLLlllllLL !! langsung begitu liat ganteng, i cek out dia punya nama dah! nama depannya sih keren NicoLas,, tapi langsung berasa teruk pas baca nama blkgnya Tran -- oh kok vt sih WUWUWUWUWU well, i ting i'll be goin' 2 bank more often from now~

oh UTAMANIANs! our beloved HuAn-HuAn has created a photo album lho! cek this out! our innocent en stupid yet happy faces back then HAHAHAHAHAHA missing those moments a lot! really guys.... kapan ke KLCC bareng lagi? makan di noodLe house till de sec 2 side-road food court?!?!??! 2 thumbs up for HuaN! duwgh mana lagunya nosTaLgia sekaleeeeeee !!

is it TRUE about CLAY aiken gossip? no one knows... but even it's truE, i hope he admits it! it can be a pride for gay people yo!!! ngomong2 gossip... gw palink surpirse klo bacain gosip Indo... aneh2 aja! dari artis pake dukun buat dapet suami! sapa si tu CUT MEMEY? anyway kok gosipnya berenti sih ya? gw penasraan juga sih betul apa kagaknya dia pake dukun? HEHEHEHEHE ada juga Roy MarTin yang terkenal berwibawa ternyata ngeDrugs... duh ni Om kaco juga yaK!!! OH! ada juga anak ma ibu brantem trus diliput.. tu si KIKI Fatmala,,, nyokapnya juga kruang kerjaan marah2 di infotainment haiks~ OH Indonesian Man,,,, Tamara Blezskinky resmi bercerai! anyone intersted? kekekekekekeke TRUSAN UTAMANIANs ada gosiip apa??!!?! JRENK JRENK JRENK

anyways, ada yang punya personal statement ngak? i need example nih buat grad skol application. damn it,, i just dunno what 2 write..

SEAHWAKS goes to SUPERBOWL!!! watch it on Sunday 2/5/06 @ 3:30 East time !!