Thursday, April 27, 2006

feel de heat on your skin!

de weather has been so nice these days.....
enjoy it so much!

some of u must wonder how's my interviews go..
well de first one - it was okay.. BUT the thing tou'''' after knowing more about de job descriptions.. i am less likely want this job! haiks it is just purely sales afterall!

then de second one - it went well up till the HR guy asking me about my work authorization en he seemed becoming less interested as he knew tat I am on OPT! but he said tat he will call me at de end of this week... GRRRRRR it was 1.5 hour interview! *cross my fingers*

i hate this right moment! i just want to sleep all day or even go back at this minute....... meeting old fellas en have those good days again!

thanks for everyone who has supported me.......
thanks for listening my complaints
thanks for waking me up
thanks for the interview tips
(special smoochessss FOR someone in Boston.. couple people in Texas.. someone in Amsterdam.. someone in Kuala Lumpur.. someone in Singapore.. a lovely couple in JakaRta..)

g-sus where do i live? am i really live in SeattLe.... ?!??!
kok no one in SeattLe really yah yang motivate me to get a job!
yang ada this working peRmit thing demotivates me to even tell my future employers that i am only on my OPT!
maybe i just don't belong here?????
but it's just maybe.....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

dugwh deLay lagi

hello peeps..
hope u all enjoy samsons hihihihihihihi
well, got to sorrie de girLs... i can't write long today
i got to prepare for couples interview next week..
de time is so tight... huhuhuhuhuhuhu
hopefully i go through them well en get a job!
wish me luck guys~

just a lil inspiration for fellow job seekers...
according to a feng-shui book written (i forget the title haiks) by LiLian To, nyalain lampu warna kuning in your bedroom while you are sleeping bisa mengundang energy yang bisa buat dapet kerja.. hohohohohohohoho

I'll be back soon with my posT! :D

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

LisTen to ThiS en mY dedicaTioN goes To.....

Naluri Lelaki
Artist: Samsons

Aku adalah lelaki
Yang tak pernah lelah
Mencari wanita
Aku adalah lelaki
Yang selalu gundah
Menunggu wanitaku

Oh aku adalah lelaki
Yang pantang menyerah
Memikat wanita
Aku adalah lelaki
Yang selalu ingin
Dibuai wanitaku

Tolong dekati aku
Tolong hampiri aku
Tolong jamahi aku
Agar aku bijaksana
Agar aku bahagia
Agar aku merasakan cinta

Naluriku sebagai lelaki
Membuatku menginginkan
Berjuta wanita di sisiku
Naluriku sebagai lelaki
Membuatku merindukan
Pujaan dari wanita


Hey, download this song yo!
Just got this song from buLet.....
gila kocak ni laghu!

well - just wanna dedicate this song to bunch of fellas down here in seattLe who *always* ask me to introduce them to some chics -- aLSo for my friends in other part of de woRld.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

1st this song definitely goes to the one who lives on Meridien Ave! remember the say "de best comes last!" hoohhohohoho don't u worry -- klo di indo loe pasti dikrumunin ciwi2 kok... dah kayak guLa dhe bakalan loe :D
enwiei klo dha dapet,, jangan lupa ma gw yang masih singLe fighteR huhuhuhuhuhu

2nd is for the one who lives @ I-5 WA exit 174 eheM! LA ogh LA!

oh then the 3rd must be goes to the poker boy living one exit away from the LA chic seeker! huahuahuahuahuahuahuahua

trus 4th buat co di south seattLe.... missing your baby don't u? where's ur baby going eh?! all i can say is there are still lots of woman outdeR! just be a little more patience..

buat de jayuzeRs... yang sekarang dah udah entah berantah.... well,, congRats buat yang baru jadian dengan cewe negRi sebLah tralalalaa trililili *inget bensin ama inget bill telphone euyy* tRus,, buat de beLLEvuE roomaTes hihihihihi bilang ngak bisa pergi karna ada date..... kapan gw kebagian date-nyaaaaaaaaa?? LOL
hayukkk check ASTAGA horoscope so u know wut u should do each day to make her smile hiihihihihihihihi

oooHhhh for my ketawa-ketiwi friend -- someone who made me *passed out* (once and de only time) since he feeded me with that weird saLsanic cHips with "couples" gLass of spiritual nite drinks HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
kapan berbuat dosa lagi nih bRo? sambil bercerita tentang keanehan & keajaiban seorang wanita.... cielah apan sih!

ehmmm oh buat my job hunter friends in singapoRe... yang currently kerjaannya "internetbuster" hehehehehehhehe don't make me jealous even further with your food-dlicous activities ---- better u find a meimei hihihihihihihi klo dah dapet,, buy bubble a pair of greenish vincci pointed sandals pLeasE wohooooooo

who eLse... maybe buat yang di TeXas.... jadi orang jangan kebae-an ntar diboongin terus lHo huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu eniwei naluri ke-laki-an loe tulen kan? hihihihihi

dan juga yang di LA *yang just told me that I am kindda fool for not learning fRom de pasT* thanks for de RemindEr... u knoe actually i just realized that i was so blinded for not seeing de tRuth... thanks once again.... eniwei kapan gw liat elo gandeng one-same-lady for just one whole week? jangan kebanyak gonta ganti luh... wut comes around gets around lHo... remembeR?!!?

buat my two separated kbRonks.... u guys,, sejak gw kenal loe orang... kok lom nyantol2 sih.... show de girLs wut u got donk woooooHhhoooo kata Samsons... kudu deketi dirinya -- hampiri dirinya -- dan jamaahi dirinya huauhauhauhauhauhauhuaa

i think i just end this post here!
i'll be back and hopefully someone is no longer jojoba or ijo lumut!
sorrie girLs... don't get my dedication... i'll find a song that stands for us! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

go paRty and have fun peopLe... makes de WorLd roTatEs en jingLeLings .... aLso spRead de LoVe!
B-COS spRing is in de aIr --- oh don't forget: be ready with your cameRa,, sungLasses,, mini skirt,, short-hot pants,, sunblocks,, en sandaLs!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006


have a blessed EasTeR everyone...
may His gLory strenghten your heaRt
may His peaCe calm your souL
HappY HoLy EasteR!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

.. and the stories continue

yeahhh finally SF!
ghirardelli was definetely my favourite place during de road trip...
de world famous and brownie sundaaaeeeeeyyy oh my my... nothing comes close to those!
de look is soooo gergeous... then when it goes to ur soul..... ehmmmm melted so damn delicious....... hauhuahauhauhauhauhauhauhauhua

oh also... we ate @ 8 immortaLs... gila tu salt and paper ribsnya... mantap! ngak kalah ma cumi begonya thien hong poRtLand hieheiheiheiheihie very very recommended buat yang ke SF

nDoy... mobil luh gimana?!!!!?!
i remember.... i was looking at ndoY and nCus strugling to cool down de machine... on de side of highway between San Jose and San FrancisCO @ 3 am!!!! can u image that?!? wohoooooooooooooooooooooooo another unfortunate automobile event! is it de third?!!!? yeah i think so dhe..... nyang ada bsoknya kita bablas smua tidur nyaaaaaaa or was it just me? kekekekekekeke

hey hey hey... ktika mo ambil map buat back to wasHington... treeetetttettotttt
i see H&M on de map! langusng deh dengan muka begging *pleaseeee anterin gw ke sono donk* ke Lili en nCus! :D thanks lho guyssss dah anterin, nemenin, en bantu seleksi baju hehehehehehehehe u guys rocks!

trus trus after shopping, we ate indo foods @ borobuduR!
it was funny when fifi called his friend asking direction... suddenly i saw borobudur was just on de left side LOL

then de road tRip starts right after borobudur lunch....
well, de trip was full of personal stories and everything told in de car stays inside the car hauhauhauhauhauhauhauhaua
we spent 13 hours SF-SeattLe wohoooooooooooo
chiko.... mommy's home darling!

PoRtLand and SeattLE
nCus nembusin MANJA 10,000 miles hihihihihihihi
oh oh,,, di portland we ate cumi bego en sushi gilak! gimana nih huan?? jadi makin demen makan sushi or makin ngak suka?? hehehehhee since then, we were just sunset and food hunting! now u guys knoe where those 5 pounds come from...

after... de road trip was awasome! meet old friends.... find new friends... learn about changing fLAt tire.. uhuk-uhuk! learn to eat indian food... learn to play roulette... hahahahahaha....
really wanna have another one soon!

so how about chicago? miami? orlando? houston? dallas? HAHAHAHAAHHAHA
wait en see!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

here comes de stoRies

hella lots of fun during de road tRip..
till de last monday i just didn't want to end it...
duwgh,, why i sent them 2 de airpoRt?!?!?!
sepi nih skrg,, uhuk-uhuk...

sorry Huan to keep you waiting since my flight arrived two hours after yours and plus.. Hanafi's delayed flight... and it was just de 1st day!

it was full of laughs in Vegas: from Lili's jetlag to my shopping spree and to Hanafi's wins
oh! got to tell you guys that we, me especially, were always asked to show IDs~ HUAHUAHUAUHAHA well i'll take those requests as compliments...
I am young! I can drive - drink - smoke- en gambLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
surprise surprise! Hanafi is very good @ roullete, with his statistic expertise DAMN he hits 9/10 bets he placed i guess...

then last de @ vegas, de autombile fortunate event no 1 came along de way!
while we were driving on I sumthing,, de driver's side window of de car next to us BROKE! en de worst thing was de broken pieces fell on our rearwindow.... and it left a crack which became longer and longer as we got to LA! so we decided to change de caR! en heeeeeeiiiiiyaaaaah we got a big caR that has a bigger trunk TRLALALAALA TRILILILILi

i want go back to fashion mall,,, i haven't check out de paul frank huuhuhuhuhuhu
anyways, tHanks Lili and AL for patiently waiting while I shopped :D

Disneyland is really a dReamlaNd... except for de foods. I just wished there were grobak martabak at every corner! I remember I ate burger for breakfast,, hotdog for lunch,, and pizza for dinner,, GraZie deh tiap ari makan ginian....

HollywooD!! oh my crazie driver almost make a U turn right in front of de kodak theater! can u believe it?!?!?

one more thanks for my beloved tripmates who sent me to 3rd sTreeT - place where i spent lots of money on clothes haiks~

OOOOOHHH we drove in LA without GPS!!! adanya gw, kacamata, and map! sumpahhhhh it was an experience lhooooooooo since it was a manual "GPS" yah average daily U-turn jadi the magic number of 8! LOL

en i miss IN and OUT now huhuhuhu eventough they only have 3 menus but the beef was awasome!

we met Liza and oh my goshhhhhh *kok makin kurus sih?!?!?!* we had lunch @ de yard house, pasadena! de taste of spinach deep is still in my head... duh pingin lagehhhhhhhhh

just about to leave PasaDeNa for SF,,, another automobile unfortunate event awaited us!
FLAT TIRE!!!!! good to have Hanafi around on roadtrip -- really-- he drives well for long hours and most importantly he can change tiRe... TReeetttetttotttt HIHIHIHIHIHIHI be continued..

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


day 1

beLLagio! beLLagio!
(2 hours before gambLe - wasn't it?)

nunggu ujan reda yah begaya dolo hehehehe

one of those foods that contributed 5 pounds!

that's what we called ReFlecTion!

- it's just de first bottLe -
3 of us and fenny on de phone
another contribution of my gaining weight!
^caught in de middLe^

Monday, April 03, 2006
