Monday, October 30, 2006

u.n.u.s.u.a.l. ... m.o.n.d.a.y.

today is Monday, a day before HalloWeeN!
anyone have a great celebration during weekends?
i don't~ hix.
my weekends are just packed with GMAT classes, GMAT study, and Office Overtasks.

GMAT is a real pain. I feel super dumbo.o.o.o *yeah with quatro o-s* when I tried out the Math problems, i thought how could i get an A for my AO back then huh?!?! As of today, I hardly solve simultaneous equations and square-root calculations - to name just a couple of crazee problems available in the test. Adding the data suffiency problems, I feel xhausted or maybe i would say giving up. There's no way I can master these problems in just a month! Going on further, I continued with verbal section. Reading comphrension is always and never be a great skill for me -- en to defend myself, I rather say: both the reading materials and the combination questions&answers are tricky!! dooh especially those readings with social science, archelogy, and history themes... reading it once make me headache! The torture does not end here, there is a critical reasoning section that are very-unfortunate-critical for me. it's so damn hard! when i mention "hard," it means difficult to gasp and luck is the only hope HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE To make the headache turns to migrane, the test simply switches to a sentence correction section. I find by far this is not the most red-brick-hard section... but still the combination all together makes me hoek-hoek-hoek.

I want to let it freely.... let my unprepared mind determines my score; then it turns out guilty is on the way - SO i decided to GEAR UP! allocating and also sacrificing my weekends free time to study :S The class that I took is just okay, I can't say it helps me or not but at least it gives me new tricks about the test. PLUS, one cute guy next to me wOHooooOooooo

oh oh oh.. this class seems not rite to me. First, I am the only black-hair. Second, I bet I am the youngest in the class! Third, I am one of the fours who work for a small company. During the intro, everyone introduced themselves and 90% of them said "I work for Boeing... I work for Microsoft.. I work for Paccar.. I am in a military.." hueks -- may be it's true when people say that SeattLeittes are just bunches of Boeing and Microsoft employees LOL Gawd, it just feel awkward.. the same feeling like I was in the freshman and sophomore classes where I used to be a small Asian girl with black hair among the gempal bules. the bad news is everytime i am in those classes, i flunk my grade HOPEFULLy it would be a different storie for GMAT.

i come to office today.. like de usual monday routine, peeps share the weekends.. so do I telling them about GMAT class. i found out that both of my supervisors had studied GMAT. One took it when he was still in France.. He is actually the President of the company - yeah since it's a small company so he is my second stage supervisor. His name John, same like my dad.. maybe he is a dad in the house - the one who always treats me like his own daughter HHAAHAHAHAHAHA While, Jay - my direct supervisor said that finally ended up postponing the test and he is not taking it yet up till now. They are very supportive, they know why I need to take GMAT and so they gimme advices.... John said "all you need to do is practice - Practice - and practice! get used to every question types...."
then Jay said "maybe she needs some time off to study!" *an-eye-blinking* I just went instantly nodding my head! hahhahahahahha John then asked me when will I take the test and he agreed to give me some time off without cutting off my PTO :D see how he is a such daddy to me.

John, Jay, and I are currently the trios who do Morning Glory. We are glad that some of our calls have showed postive results - lots of inovoices coming in. During the meeting, we discussed on our target and we come up with a possible reward once we hit our target. A day off! To make things even merrier, we also make a deal that if we can get refunded on one of our jack-ass clients named "M*rr**tt" - clue: 5*s hotel - who always send in boxes of invoices very last minute - we'll have another day off! Jay and I are apparently the only twos Generation XY in the company, while the rest are all baby boomers - so we are the duo who cheer the most whenever there's time off and who hate so much about morning glory. Keeping the fingers crossed for de two days off! Another day off is also guranteed after the end year application dateline. I can't wait to have a great 3 days off on December! final month of this ugly beautiful year AWwwwW will it be a happy sweet nice ending to wrap up the whole year craps or will it be a sad bitter grief ending to complete the title of the worst year in bubble's life? let's the time rolls and the drums beat... i'll find the answer soon.

this is really an unusual Monday.
i am about to leave office now, and hoping to meet the bus guy. LOL.
have a great week peeps
and HappY HallOwEeN!

Monday, October 23, 2006

tic.. tac.. toc..

time seems passing by me. uh oh-
it's already the third week of october and *damn it* not single crap is resolved yet.

i met one immigration lawyer today. he's kind of nice - it's clear that he would act on my side.. remind me of how should i really expect from my company and highlight the possibility of success for my case... he said that my case would be somehow complicated - due to my company unique industry -plus- the compatibility of my majors and the job descriptions --> en that's why he gave me a high rate of service fee if i would ever decide to hire him.. i got to tell you that he is really a typical lwayer who has that poker face! i just have a hard time figuring out what's on his mind uhuk-uhuk! well, nyak... nyong.. wanna chip me on this one or not? huhuhuhuhuhuhu

mmmMMm from the discussion, i learn couple solutions for my case.. yet still at the end, the best and safe way to go is the solution that i have planned to do which is going to a graduate program! here we go peeps... bubble's back to school! *sumhow feel xcited since school is the great place to socialize hohohohohoho isn't so?*

one little funny stuff... in the middle of conversation, he started to ask on my marital status. iwas like *DanG.. is that gonna gimme any benefit on my petition if i claim myself in a relationship status LOL*... but i just said... i am not married... then he replied.. "oh.. that's what i thought... i am not sure about whether you are in a realtionship or not... but if any case you have an american boyfriend and you are thinking of marry to him.. your process would be smooth" first thing to my mind "did i just fall asleep?" "is it a legal advice - get married with american?" well, then he went on the factors-to-consider-when-you-want-to-get-marry.. and he mentioned one word "el-o-fi-i" gosh... isn't too much for me? finally, he also inserted the line "but you never know, you might do down to this building and while waiting to cross the street - you meet someone.. and by the time of petition application opens, you really fall in love and want to get marry" after he finished his line.. i just have the oh-gosh-you-are-damn-rite face!! i believe in the mejik + luck... also everything can happen on the right time and right place.... BUT in this matter... ehmmmm very rare oddish possibility! at the end.. yah, i just found this solution to be absurd and unexecutabLe!

work life: morning glory are here!
i have been coming to the office at 7:30 for a week.. and this would continue in the next 2 weeks. not to mention, i''ll probably need to come in on saturdays till the end of november.
oh! coming in early is not so bad as i thought. i feel like the day goes so fast and i can go back early too... and here's when musibah-membawa-berkah scenario strucks me. as usual i ride a bus, and since i go early so i meet different people in the bus. and it has been a week i always meet this cute guy! huahuahauhauhauhuaa *shoot.. writing this post sumhow make me think twice about the possibilty that the lawyer has told me about LOL* he's certainly not an american guy.. looks asian, i bet he's hk or jp -- hell yeah who knows he is a green card holder woohooo we just smile whenever we see each other hihihiihihihi hopefully still meeting him till i go back to my regular schedule... ehmm do i wnna to know him??? i am not sure... he looks very friendly and charming. i probably just keep it flowing since..... ya- some of u know exactly what's actually i have been waiting for kan... so godaan kok slalu ada yah....

it's LEbaRan time-
so happy lebaran for those who celebrate it!
saling maap2an deh ya :D
oh btw, dumbo and cueker - dah baekan lom? hihiihihihihhihi

and just wanna say one more time: HappY B'day deaR huAN!
23 is a magic number. less booze more exercise HoohHOohoohoO
hope ur resolutions come true

UtamaniAns.. we are 2 months and 1 week away from the new year!!
i am really look forward for the new year nih... new spriit new luck and hopefully all de craps are gone.

i am out to B zone now!

Monday, October 16, 2006

life is a rollercoaster ! hey ya ya ya ya

life is full of surprises, agree peeps?
i can say - i have gone through lots of up and down in the past 2 months!
some surprises are nice and sweet, but some others are just sad and grief.
afterall, i always go back to the rule of thumb: everything happens for a (some) reason(s) and let the time answer it :) i have to wait, but what can i do..... i feel- after all i have been through all the 21 years- makes me easily-open-hearted "AccePting" all the hurting realities which i have to walk by..... finnaly i realize: i am strong yet fragile!

i am not sure whether it's just a coincidence or it's a utamanian "curse...."
kenapa utamanians pada stress?? or is it really the period of time which people referred as "nyari jati diri" kind of thing.....??? now de BIG question in everybody's life: What i really want to do with my life? do i know what i want? NO! i am known to be a kind of girl who wants to get married and settle down and blablablabla.... en now here's come "teguran alam!" i went to 2 wedding xpos in the past 3 weeks- geez i thought it's gonna be hell of fun! it was for i kept having bites at bakery and restaurant stalls HAHAHAHAHAHA @ the same time, there's a thought in my mind. Marriage is a sacret thing, and why all these time i say i wanna get married soon.... it's not just i-love-you-you-love-me-let-live-together! it's more than that, i suppsoe marriage entails BIG responsibilities and commitments..... ask me now and I would say: i don't get married soon huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu or maybe waiting for someone who could change this perception :D

speaking of UtaMAnianS... "chapter 7: the colours of love" has just recently published! smartly written by KebHo! two thumbs up bho! hayuk write more! i am waiting for chapter 8 and chapter 9 lho! here we go......

| Utamanians Encyclopedia |

Chapter 7: The Colours of Love (Authored by: that guy KheBho)

It is nothing but only normal for two human beings to fall in love for each other. And for so many people, their first encounter with the bittersweet taste of love started as early as when they were still in high school. The story below tells the much-talked-about, the great and the UNIQUELY mind-blowing saga of love that happened right in this school Sri Utama back in the early days, made famous by the pioneer batch of Indonesian students enrolled at the school at that time.

It was funny, romantic, sad, resentful, passionate and in a few occasions, suicidal! Put it in one word, it is simply complicated, why? because there were just too many characters involved!

" B likes C, B confused and told D about it. D got friendly with C and it was only a matter of time before D fell in love with C. D was already going out with F at that time, he also got confused. E and I was D's closest friend, E and I knows everything about D.

E was already with someone called G who was L's ex. L has a friend called M who once questioned L on what is so good about G that make L love G so much . I was also hooked up already with K. One day E broke up with G for some reasons, and not long after, D also called it an end with F for stupid reason. Suprisingly it didn't take long for F to get a new partner, it was L!

Seeing D got so close to C, B probably was angry and/or hopeless at that time. Then came into the picture is A, who then eventually hooked up with B. B was smiling again.

Without D's knowledge, E is having it on with C behind D's back. D found out, both C and E was sorry. The three of them became friends again.

Then came graduation, everyone's leaving and going to different direction. B was "playing" around with H (whom was then an object of affection/lust for many people like X, Y and Z) when A was not around, they called it an end. C and E also didn't quite make it far. Neither I and K.

I for some reasons turned out to be a self-acclaimed seeds planter. I was trying to get it on with just anybody within I's grab. With C, with A and it was to be believed that I was trying to get it on with F also. Only God knows how many people has fallen into I's trap."

and the story continues from year to year...

Some of you readers might questioned the integrity of the story above. It could be a myth, a fable, a fairy tale, a true account or whatever it is you want to believe. But the message that the author is trying to say is... It is only fair for you who have read this chapter to decide for yourself -young reader- whether you are ready to face all the ups and downs and sideways of the many colours of love at such a young high-school age? what will be your story like? how are you going to play your character? is it gonna be the lonely suicidal guy who slashes his skin with a pocket knife everytime he got rejected? the you-should-be-proud-that-I'm-actually-talking-to-you kind of ermm.... whore? or that goofy lovefool who is waiting to be saved in the name of love?
But really, the one million dollar question is whether you and your friends can create even a more complicated saga of love in Sri utama with more twists and turns and drama? Please, no actual killing or getting someone pregnant should be involved in the making of your story.

Good luck, you are in a journey now.

It is sad to say that the author of this chapter has limited capability on keeping tracks of how this what-seems-to-be-a-never-ending tale of love continues, simply because "damn" (he said)... too many characters and its all web-tangled everywhere.

`Note: at the time this book is being published, the Author is still single and looking and he can't figured out why. Bless him.'

Bho, i copied yah!
and for my non-utama peeps, fyi: bubble is one of the character lho! who am i.... i shall say: make a guess or it's just gonna be utamanians secret.

ok, i got to go B zone.

Monday, October 09, 2006

monday syndrome is acting up!

bubble hates forgetness, and bubble always forget everything
bubble hates datelines, and bubble has lots of datelines
...then you know what happen when bubble forget datelines....
bubble hates insecurity + uncertainity, and bubble feels insecure + uncertain about her future

i am truly sorry for the my closed ones for "forgetting" your guys' bdays. bubble forgot 4 big bdays in this past 40 days. boooooooooooo! i don't know wut's wrong w/ me.. i think i am experiencing short term memory lost. i know it looks simple to just say sorry, hoping u guys understand. my life is so ugly beautiful rite now for i feel so vulnerable.

datelines, so many datelines..... lemme recall, ehm... from work i have data modification - matching utility - reinvoice - entry reinvoice - application datelines which are due all in about 5 weeks. wut other datelines... grad school appliation in worst case scenario, i am going to grad school for Master of Business Administartion next year, en this application dateline by default brings other datelines: GMAT study and exam! weleh weleh weleh- wuuohboouuy

ok that's it for now.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


October 1: he is gone... sabar yah broer...
your dad is on his way to Him. may he rest in peace..
and full consololidation for you and family.
maybe it's the best for him.........

October 6: i sent him off... i am sorry my baby
i love you, cHiko! be good there...
they are gonna take care of you!
my life is becoming more lonely.