Monday, October 31, 2005

today is just another monday to go through

feeling so restless and sleepless....
i should have benefitted an hour sleeping from daylite saving hoahhhhhhhh!
i just wanna go sleep..
u knoe when you sleep you can dream anything that you want to dream of.. hehehehehehe

wut's up in my life? nothing much...
another weekend to spend time with my chiko and do house cleaning stuff.
time goes by so slow eh?
another thing tat i wanna to complain *oops...* it maybe better for me to say "compLain" is that the weather is getting cold and cold and cold......
i think it's time to HYBeRNaTe yeah yeah yeah..... eat and relax under the blanket.... =D

oh i watched partly a thai scary movie titled "the shutter"
it is a must movie for those who like scary movie!
hehehehehe... btw thanks to darmawan for making a scary movie to a such funny movie
kan gw jadi nga serem gitu klo di rumah sendirian....
i'll post photos on halloween potluck later dhe ya...

oke got to back to studi... one quiz later in the evening and another midterm in hte next 2 days.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

HaLLoWeeN SooN !

yey... i smell weekend... yeah one more class and i can relax...
dunnoe i feel my recent life is so dull... nothing really inspire me..
aikhs ...... can'w wait for christmas holidays

eh kenapa people surrounds me lagi pada jatuh cinta...
ada yang lagi seneng tu ce nya diajak jalan... ada yang ce nya malah ngejar2... ada yang ngepost ttg cinta molo heuueeuheuheu but guys... i am so hepi for u all...
please remember to bring lovely nice news about ur relationships and treat me! hahahahaha

akh i need to study for my ecis mid.. next week!
tried to find os but oh no.. i couldn't find it. hiks
gosh how am i gonna study eh?

oh HaLLoWeeN is coming......
let's have some fun... but not really sure what am i gonna do.
so far got potluck and plan to haunted house... i missed the pumpkin carving nite... oh no!!!!
enwiei i just think that it would be my last halloween in seattle... probably i would be in jakarta i a year from now...... hoohohoho

anyone have watched doom???
people say it's good huh? but some others say it's not tat gud..

eniwei for u who wants to see me caught in the act... can go to
register and go to the photo... goshhh i am looked fool hahuahuahuahuahua
funnie2 shots!

Friday, October 21, 2005

weekend is coming

yeah... at least i can relax for a while after 2 mids...
both are okay but then there are 2 questions that are still in my mind.
in my theo mid... there is one question that requires us to explain how sex at its best can integrate your spiritual level and bring you communitin with God....???!?
then, in my marketing mid... the question is why costco and some other large reatilers do not advertise -- and this quetsion worth like 30 point.
i have to confess that i wrote bs on my exam answer hihihihihihi

it's weekend.... nothing much.. so far i just think that i would do house cleaning, chiko stuff, and groceries. n i got group meeting... hate group meeting on weekend... but this is due to Bon Oh! Kim... he gave us an assignment 5 days prior the due date... hiks-hiks-hiks.

NEED INPUT: as some of you know... i pursue 2 majors: e-cis and marketing. then, i got to apply for graduation and the form asks for primary major. i just don't knoe which one looks better for primary major... wut do u guys think?? ECIS or marketing????

anyway... anyone going back to indo this dec??

Thursday, October 20, 2005

last minute ..... miss you....

Monday, October 17, 2005

believe it or not

this is from kompas horoskop

Umum : Seseorang yang Anda sayangi akan meninggalkan Anda. Jangan bersedih. Toh nantinya juga akan kembali lagi. Jaga kondisi Anda pada akhir bulan ini. Jangan terlalu lelah dan monoton dalam menjalani hidup. Pada waktu-waktu luang lebih dekatkan diri pada yang Maha Esa dan mohon petunjuknya agar dibukakan pintu maaf dan rejeki berlimpah. Bermula bisnis tapi malah Anda yang dirugikan. Ada kesempatan yang sangat bagus di tahun ini untuk Anda. Cobalah lebih akrab dan jangan menutup pergaulan.


Keuangan : SABAR DULU

Sunday, October 16, 2005

homesick n midterm

sepi-nya SeattLe...
my weekend is sooooo lonely... my darling dha forgut...
spending time reading a chiklit titled "She hates Saturday Night"
wut a coincidence is it??
one of the best so far..... bhsnya seru bisa bikin ketawa2 sendiri hehehehe
menghibur gw yg lagi mellow.

thinking of uCup makes me homesick...
i just wanna go back as soon as possible
that's why tommorow i gonna request an early exam petition to Bon oh! Kim..
guru eCis yang aneh bin ajaib... he looks like Giant in doraemon movie..
i feel don't learn anything from him.... i depend it all to os that i have. huuuuusaaaaaaaaa!
gawat nga seh? kerjaannya di kelas... gw buka msn sambil cetting ma classmate yg duduk di depan saling nanya loe ngerti apa kagak.
smoga dikasi-in dhe petitionnya.

duh i got to start study for my coming mids nih..
one on wed and one on thurs.
hueks. i'll update my blog after i am done with those two dhe.
wish mi luck people.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


ai lagi sedi sedi sedi sedi sedi... hix hix hix hix
my ucup gonna leave me very very soon! i'm counting the hours........
babe.... can u extend your trip.... pLeaSe.............
bunnie bakal makan sendiri.. pergi sendiri.... smua sendiri wuwuwuwuwu
ntar kalo bawa chiko jalan trus kecantol ma other doggie walkers gimana hayooo ^____^
beib, take care di indo... awas digigit ikan hiu....
indo kan banyak ikan hiu yang ganas-ganas... hohoho
serink2 call me!

duwh mata gw udah bengkak plus kerink
people...... anita bakal ld lagi.......................
why oh why ?!?
kayaknya kudu minta jurus2 ld ma si wisnu kekekekeke

i dun knoe wut to write...
lagi mellow nih

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ronnie B'dAy

yo yo yo my kbron' kabayan... met ultah yak....
dah makin tua luh.... ayul dunk cari cewek.. biar cepet kawin! hohohohoho

eniwei, i got a very good sleep last nite....
bener kata orang yg bilank klo abis minum2 tidurnya enak.....
study hard! party hard!
niwei baru kmrn gw ngerasain yg namanya drink n drive.. gelo! memank puyeng lho...
everything looks yeLLoW!
yeah at least gw 2 kali nabrak trotoar gituh jejejjejejeje... kecian manja!

sEattLe mulai dingin nih.. sebaL! apalagi ditambah ujan... mellownya idup di sini

niwei nothing much in my life...
oh but interesting thing is writing my next teological paper..
yg seems like it topicnya morality of perselingkuhan.... hehehehehehehe

udah ah segini dolo.. mo search utk recipe2 baru nyam nyam!
