Friday, September 29, 2006

that's it!

i am back from Houston ahead from the schedule. the temps are great, so the work is done much faster :)

9/25 - 5:45am: bambambamabamabam my alarm went on.
i clicked the button and planned to have a minute body scrath. as expected, bubble fell back to bed up till i woke up at 6:25 am! i screamt to myself: "gilak!" i jumped off bed, rushed on de stairways, entered bathroom, brushed my tooth, washed my face, packed all toilettries, closed luggage, ...., and my lovely driver was perfectly ready. he exactly dropped me off @ 7:02 am.

the flight was full and yeah.. wut bubble did in airplane?? of course yah zzzZzzzZzzzzzZZZZzz, when i woke up - i looked my neighbors they were all doing sudoku numbers! i don't know whether it's a trend or it's just a coincidence that they are doing the same thing. gw jadi pensaran wut reallly they have to do with those numebrs and boxes, are they supposed to fill in numbers in such a way if they add those numbers diagonally/vertically/horizontally, they will get a same total????

nothing much on the first day, i had dinner with my boss. brasa aneh but oh well daripada gw kelaperan di kamar. the hotel looks very nice and elegant from the outside, but it is nightmare when you enter the room. wut i mean "nitemares" = lack of entertainment! all the tv channels are news channels: fox news, cnn, msnbc finance, msnbc, etc. oh and this hotel is located on a business area, so it's like pulogadung klo di jakarta. smua yang di hotel pake jas and blabalabla gw jadi brasa kayak anak angkatnya boss gw even boss gw pun ama gw cuman pake short-sleeve shirt LOL

9/26: Baker Hughes office. it just' a 5 minutes drive from the hotel, which is a good thing cos it's saves my sleeping time :) the office is very secured-in-design. every door has de 'beep' cardkey censor. As a visitor, i don't have this beep-key. unfortunately, i got to go from room to rooms to collect data and invoices. IT's a BIG BUMMER! capek-- waiting for people to open the doors for you, plus carrying those invoices. tired10x

another complaints, the building does not have a cafetaria. so, i got to go out to get lunch - en guess wut all the nearest resaturants are namedly tacobell, pizzahut, kfc, wendys, jackinthebox, mcdonald, popeyeschikenandbiscuit. i guess u know what's on bubble's menu during her stay at houston. yuckie-yuckie junks! even subway or quiznoss aja ngak nemu.... can u believe it???

9/27: i get know more about the employees.. which mostly are colored people *not being offender lho* mereka justru bae2... yang bukain pintu segala macem hiihihihihihi this trip has changed my perception about them! soalnya tiap2 gw pasti dah -ve thoughts 'bout them. someone pasti senyum2 deh nih, someone who always bilang "kan ngak semunya gituh nit!" en yaaaaaaaa i was wrong big time deh.

i called bluemalon @ nite, the conversation turned out to be *curhat* session instead of *gossip* sessions that we usually have HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA

this point, i realize that i am breaking down here. work, love, education, family = the four neverending twists in everyone's life. i KNOW i hate uncertain but yap-yap-yap yap wut can i really do. ups and downs are there to color lives, aren't they? this and that sh*ts do happen with or without any reason, regardless i KNOW one thing.... those sh*ts are parts of the learning curve which guide ur ways of solving future sh*ts. (oke deh bubble, enough of the censor word)

huoohbouy.... feeling like swirls of turnado hit every single utamanian... one gets this, one gets that, another gets blah, then he gets yucks, next she gets craps. one tries to pretend not to have it, one thinks to much, and many of us just let it flow hahahahhahahahahahaha so which group are you in? let's sail thorugh deh my bonding peeps. i can't say much, maybe being early 20s emang gini masalahnya.. cheers each other and always be there for the one who needs, shall we???

9/28: tired tired tired

9/29: at the end of the trip, i come to 2 conclusion: business trip is not fun! bubble goes vegetarian soon! i am so mah-teg ama saturated fat and all de crappie ingridients in meats. green is fresh and healthy!

ngak brasa dah at de ned of septermber.. i still can vividly see myself hearing "when september ends" song yang smua radio stations repeatly played all day long last year. and i guess this is one year anniversary for my blog hohohohohohoho

ok that's a quickie update.
i'll be back soon with an interesting storie. 3 hint words: man-right-time
enjoy the weekend guys.
en, happy fasting for those who celebrating the holy month.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Republic of Love


Ayu & SheLdon -- you guys are now legally married! ... and i, by the law, have a brother.

Kristi & Kei -- i am glad to hear about the engagement news! romantic skali kRis critanya..

Ichan & Onad -- gilak! gilak! gilak! chan loe baru turns to a big tWo-O and you are engaged and you'll have a wedding ceremony next summer!!! have a wonderful life :D onad, loe takut ichan disamber orang yaaaaa, apa dah ngak tahan loe? hehehehehehe

Apple & husband-to-be -- congrats! sorry in advanced, i can't make it to the wedding reception

Neq & sby-boy -- nek, loe kok duluin gw sih!! akirnya yah nemuin Mr. Right!! well, ngak papa.. heppi terus yah nek..

i am happy fot these couples...... they are engaged or get married.
i am getting ready with my gowns nih :D

now, the question on your mind must be either: "kapan yah gw?" "loe kapan nit? - skrg ma sapa?"
klo di msn box nih, udah pasti next discussionnya those 2 questions.
i have been asked by lots, sekarang ma sapa nit blablablablabla
ngaku: seattle_bellevuer, calon master SU yang sedang mencari *ehem*, astronom di Karawachi, stressful_guy, nenek^ku di mn, confused_seattLe_guy.

peeps, i'll be gone next week. i'll be in houston doing another on-site trip.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


i am too sick nowadays.
i guess i am forcing myself too much beyond my capacity line.
too much work, too much pressure, my body needs some rest!

i have been suffering from cold and fever in the past 1.5 weeks -
my body can't take it anymore :(
i started to vomit all de foods that i infused and all my body want is liquid.
the weird thing is very small red dots appears around my eyes, any idea?
i know i should have gone to a doc, tapi i am not a such a medicine beliver.
when it can be heal by nature, why torture my body by taking in those poisonous med?
sounds really bad... well it is! but i am trying to survive here......

thanks: huan and kebho for the support.
GlenoQ: thank you is not enuff... kita cia next time :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

just for her!

In My Place (Coldplay)

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah

I was lost, I was lost
Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed
I was lost, oh yeah

Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
Yeah, how long must you pay for him?
Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and underprepared
But I wait for you

If you go, if you go
Leaving me here on my own
Well I wait for you

Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
Yeah, how long must you pay for him?
Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

Please, please, please
Come on and sing to me

Come on and sing it out, out, out
Come on and sing it now, now, now
Come on and sing it

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost.....

This song goes to a girl out there who just wish that love is fair....... You know you are strong... you know what should be done... Sorry for hitting your face with the reality that what you 'want' is sometimes not what you 'should' do..

You asked "would fighting for my love worth?" "should i again sacrifice someone I love for another girl?" "why everything is rolling towards me?"

I am sorry... I just don't know, but there's one thing that I always believe "everything happens for (a) reason(s)" and all i can say "follow what your heart is saying..."

,, and the following is the conversation that I had quite sometimes back with my best buddie. I have exactly the same question like you....
me: "kenapa gw harus ngelewatin ini semua?"
he: "kenapa elo ngak harus ngelewati ini semua....."
me: -silence-

Friday, September 08, 2006

just for fun!

i can just run home now, but i can't.... waiting for a handsome fedex guy come and pick up these applications that need to be out of my door TODAY!! hikshiks so i decided to make a fun post.

people are easily mis-spell my name! awgh gawd!
wanna know how bad they are... or maybe you are one of them :P
here's de list:
Anita Puspidta -- Qwest
Anita Puspipa -- Anna Ragaz prescription
Anita Busbita -- Viterra Water Energy
Anita Pusdita -- Millenium
Anite Pusbita -- Fedex guy!!
Anita Busbite -- DHL guy!!
haiks... why can't this guy spell my name correctly!

en some random weird nicks:
nitoq, nitong, monyong, nit-not, net-not

ok time to go.

have a great weekend all ~

Thursday, September 07, 2006

do stars and galaxies guide our destiny????

SAGITARIUS(22 November - 21 Desember)
Umum : Jangan menyesal jika semua yang terjadi kemungkinan harus terjadi. Jangan suka menganggap enteng tiap persoalan. Sebaiknya segera sudahi permasalahan yang bisa menggangu langkah dan masa depan Anda. Hanya Andalah yang harus tegas agar tidak dipermainkan oleh keadaan. Semua masalah besar kecilnya, tergantung dari bagaimana Anda menyikapinya. Karir dan rejeki cukup baik.


Keuangan : PUSING

--Kompas, Horoskop--

it's just a 21 ugly beautiful life this year by far!

Friday, September 01, 2006

understanding the word: c.R.i.S.i.s

hello! i feel like i have been isolated from this blog world.
i just got back from my 3 days PortLand business trip. i went to take VAT invoices from Nike, which apparently is the client. Nike campus is soooo huge! I guess i know where should I bring peeps who wants to see portland. it's not like a tourist attraction by you can just drive around it. there is at least 2 soccer, 1 athletics, 1 baseball, 1 football fields in the complex. they say they have michael jordan museum inside and building one for tiger wood. that's about the fun part, the sad part is de job itself! i got to climb this short ladders, looking for specific employee's xpense reports and take de potential VAT invoices. it was a straightforward assignment but then the physical demand is just xhausting... up and down de ladders and push in & out the boxes! plus, one of the temp workers r just silly as u can image! repeating de same question every like 2 hours!!!! en de thing to make it worse, she smokes! after she had her cigar breaks... gsus gw mo muntah enek2.. dunno wut cigar that she smokes, one thing for sure de aftersmell is s-o strong! mending nyium keringet cHiko if i can make a comparison! en at de end of de day, she just collected as little as 1/7 of my pile!!

this is de first business trip ever in my life! yah for sure enaknya.. tidur di hotel bagus gratis, makan gratis! smuanya dicover hehehehehehe ngak enaknya sepi... i didnt't bring my laptop so after dinner, it was just quit.e.e.e.e.e-- mana i missed my Project Runaway! huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

talking about de sepi dan sendiri..... seems gw bakal sendiri en kesepian banget! i have decided to send chiko back home. since i have moved into the new apt, he looks stressed out. he barks whenever people passby, unfortuntely my apt faces directly to pedestrian walk! i guess this is de stupid mistake i have ever done! i just assume that he didn't bark to those who passed the elevator in de old apt, so he wouldn't bark at de people passing by de new door apt too. chiko, i am sorry.............. i thought to just posting an ad @ criaglist or sumwhere to find a lovely home for him but NO, my gut just don't easily trust other people. so this is really crisis! loosing chiko in about 1 month :S living here without chiko??? ngak tau dhe jadi apa.....

--should i say like de gallaghers sing "cryin' your heart loud" hehehehehehe-- duh ketularan inoe en kebho deh... btw kalian tau ngak mereka wanna open real estate businesses?? they are gonna open 5 stars hotels at big European and American cities.

ohhhhh, i would like to say BIG THANKS for sHeLdon, my sis, buLed, and MafIa for helping me moving my stuff! bunches of thank for my bro Ronnie thanks for assembling my bed frame and moving my stuff! big hugges for Ang for assembling my chair and taking care of dresses! oh ya... thanks juga buat dHodo sending my chiko to de dorm while i am on de trip....

CongRats and CheeRs to Lightcraft for their new debut album!! finally you guys r making it! i know it all along...... keep springin en dun forget to send me de album HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gila tanda tangan kalian bisa jadi mahal nihhhhh!!

Kebho, nCus, Huan, en iNoe: let's sail through! shall we open up a champagne when we meet @ out destination?? *ehem-ehem* bubbLe dah mulai ngawur! just an idea for de ones in indo.... kapan mo buka fushion???? koki udah adah, accountant udah ada, management tinggal import dari sg, decor juga udah ada.... apa lagi???? nunggu bubbLe??? hehehehehehe gila gw klo di jkt udah jingrank2 kali ya........

ok peeps, i got to back to work.
have a great weekend u all.