my friends keep asking me: which one do i like better... working or going to school???!??!?! ehm... i think at this point - i would say i love working better!! for one, i earn $$$ while i suppose i spend $$ if i go to school :D it's true that i gotta wake up early.. but HEY! i could sleep once i am back home in the evening.... when i was in school, i didn't have these sleeping hours due to those "assignment en paper enforcements"
en NoW..... here we go the BUTs!! i hop a bus to get to de office, which is not fun @ all.... -- missing a bus: when it happens, i got to stand for another 10 minutes waiting another one coming.... en in the summer, de temp could rise up to 95 degrees! i am sweating, don't u knoee?!?!!?!?!?! -- not getting a seat: in this scenario, i got to stand till someone gets off.. i had couple times when i got to stand all de way.. which equals to 12 minutes... en FYI: the route is on James St. which SU indos call it "TanJakan" en **TanJakaN = aJut2aN JaLannYa Bus,,,** rite?!?!?!?! agRrrrhhhhhhh -- being surrounded by sTr4anG3rs: this is de wors scenario.... wut u can xpect from using a public transport eh?? there's always weirdos in de bus! from a purple-yellowish hair colored student, a full-pierced face biker, up to funny-smelly people.... u can just smell de bonk & weed zmells for the goodnessshakeEeeEee..... oh FYI: i take no 3 or 4,, i am sure SeattLeites pasti tau exactly wut i mean... u know wut kind of people would be in the bus especially in my area!!! eeeRrrRiiEee all i can say-- for some reasons, now i think about my closed ones who remind me "ati2 lho naek bus... ntar klo di B-o-M-B!!" i was kinda shocked when they say about this, but when i think about this even more! there's a full valid logic behind their says -haiks- -- walking uNo mile: a piCtuRe says more than words :X remember,, in a day i got to walk this 2 times plus de 2x2 blocks (apt-starting bus stop)!!!
another BUT is my lonely cHiko -- i got to leave him alone @ home for 8-9 hours... maybe he's the one who hates me landing on a job hohohohohohoho en de last but is i can't do household stuff en other errands on weekday! hikshiks
WeLL... with these buts..... i still feel working is better than going to schooL... the only thing that i miss from school is f-R-i-E-N-d-S (read: de gossip session @ de Labs) and also tomato basil soup & chocoLate cookies @ bon apetite pigott hueheuheuheuheuheuheuhehe
i knoe that sum of u might think "duh, nita complain terus....." hehehehehehe YaH gimana donk.. i am a lil daddy princess.... :D at least gw admit i am spoiled.... en i am survive live here.... which myself consider a BIG accomplishment!! HUAHAHAHAAHAHAHAUAHAHUAHA enuff said now... time to watch reality show ooouuuWwwwh!
"Over 100 dead, missing in North Korea" MSNBC -- July 18, 2006
"Rescuers search for Java tsunami survivors More than 460 killed after 6-foot wave hits Indonesia" MSNBC -- July 17, 2006
"Israel: Lebanon offensive could last weeks Hezbollah strikes Israel with barrage of rockets; 1 killed in Naha" MSNBC -- July 13, 2006
"Mumbai mourns its '7/11' victims" CNN -- July 11, 2006
WaRs, BomBings, and NaTurAL diSasters are on every corner of this worLd.... India, Lebanon, IsraeL, Indonesia, North Korea.... what's next??? you tell me what's going on wrong here???
People killin', people dyin' Children hurt and hear them cryin'? Can you practice what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek Father, Father, Father help us Send us some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questionin 'Where is the love (Love)? Where is the love (The love)? Where is the love (The love)? Where is the love The love, the love? (Where is the Love? - Justin Timberlake & Black Eyed Peas)
i can't sleep tonite... i have slept all day... wake up for de fiNaL WC then going back to sleep
WoRld Cup 2006 is over!!!! FoRZa AzzuRi.... well done!!!! LucaToni!! ZambRotta!! plus no 3 and 15!! they somehow look like orLandO bLooM :D Zidane oh Zidane.... i think he is a kewl pLayer eh?!?! kok bRutal gitu ya.....
who wins lots during this WC?!?!?! c'mon treat ur friends lhaaaaaaaa :D
Here goes my consolidation for Yohanz a.ka. KebHo and his family... may she rest in peace... and God blesses ur family always be strong bHo...
All de best for Hanafi a.ka. nCus cunYuk for going back to indo... are u for good?? i hope not.. but i think ur wife to be dah ngak sabar mo kawin sih ya hehehehhehehe man... gw dah ngak ada weker di pagi ari.. dah ngak ada temen gambLe... en berkeluh kesah hiks hiks well,, all de best!! work hard -- play harder :X
mBud... thanks for the sharing... i appreciate it so much.... sorry to open up last scars........ but i promise i'll ask him :P hopefully everything goes well! enjoy de gig! kiss martin for me pLease hehehehehehe
i started my new job on last Wednesday... right after de US independence day! my position is Customer Operations Analyst... sounds kewl eh?? kekekekekeke the company itself is a real niche! it is called Corporate VAT Management (CVM) -- it used to be a software company, which in 2001, transformed itself into a service business company... we help our clients claim their foreign Value-Added Taxes (VAT!) HeeeeEeRrrrreeeE we go the madness accounting terms come in.... VAT is an indirect tax that is levied on any business purpose expenses that a company incurred! let's say US AdidaS Corp... during this WC.. they send their people to Germany doing trade shows ptomoting their "china-made shoes" hihihi and conducting other business trips.. all expenses related with these people's Germany trips are subject to VAT and US Adidas could claims this VAT from German tax authority! is it a cLear example?? i hope sooooo hihihihihihihihi
my job is to sort the receipts (which one is valid for claim and which one is not) and make data entry.... then do reinvoicing or u might called it a reconciliation.. then calling the vendors for any missing receipts.... then fill in the claim application on behalf of the client!! it may sound simple... BUT it's NOT!! all i can say... everything that deals with TAX is "pain + need of tylanol" whenever it is close with the dateline HOHOHOHOHOHOHO this job really opens my eyes that "DATA=$$$$" so far.. i am liking this job... my co-workers are just nice, sweet, and helpfuL... my cubical is quite big and all de decor are purple in color -- which is my fav color!! hahahahaha thanks to my supervisor for giving me this cubical.... well, i am still on training.... i am scheduled to meet everyone in the company.... getting to know them en to knoe wut they are doing... one thing that is surprising... everyone has a different job title..... and all de title is so kewl -- afterall all sound "tech-savvy" hihihihihihi trus-trus.... since it's a small scale company, everyone is so bonding with each others... and de working environment is so relaxing..... from de attire - lunch time - space decoration!! another thing that i must mention is de location! it's on PioneeR Square!! Seattleties now u i mean when i say this "mejik" place HOHAHHOHAHAHAAHOHA gilakkkk everyday... i walk passing by tRiniTy, lAsT suPpEr, HeaVen, iBizA, caFe UmbrELLa -- this is just a few of bunches "fResH sPoTs" afterall, only one thing that i haven't enjoy working so far.... i got to ride a bus!! waiting is one thing... not getting a seat is another.... tHEn de most pain is walking 6 blocks in de morning and another 6 in the afternoon! haiks-- well i think i need to adapt to it... itung2 exercise EHEM!!
sad to see EngLand lost to Portugal with that one-on-one penalty kicks~ dunno wht but i guess penalty is just NOT engLand style!! game is over and i'll see them in the next 4 years! *maybe i am @ London on that time hahahahahahhahaha*
Rooney oh Rooney..... why red card!?#?$@# Becks.... oWen injured?? hhhhoaaaaaaaaaaaaMm
well oh well.... FranCe. GeRmanY. PorTugaL. ItaLy i suppose we are watching eUroPeaN cup, aren't we?!?