Sunday, November 27, 2005

@ de end of thanksgiving holiday

started at 7 am hohohoho
i didn't get as much stuff as i was thinking of! wuwuwuwuwu
i just got 2 tops, 1 sport pants, 1 wallet, n 3 necklaces! = D
but lumayan lho harghanya 50 persenan... apalagi express... bli 20 dollar dapet gratis cluth that worth of $30! huauahuahuauahuahua tanks to sHeldoN yang mau ngantriin kekeke ^____^
untung2 ngak jadi nagntri jam 4 di bestbuy... one of my friend get tehre by 4 am n the line was alreadi crazy n he did not get anything from there ouch!

quarter is almost over n everything is DuE!!
1 presentation, 2 papers, n 1 final in a week... HOEKS
wish me luck friends~

oh yeah.. prob, i am not gonna update my blog till next week

me out now.

Friday, November 25, 2005

dE MenuS

ThAnkSgiVing DinnEr @ RiannA's 308 !!
Host: ^NaGa^
Time: 7 pm ++
(i put ++ coz people are late, including me hahahahaha)
goobLe - gooBle (16 pounds!)

too saLty baKwAn by me! kekekeke
my sis told me there was not enough taste so i put more -- to much -- salt!
if u wanna say maybe i wanna get married... it's fineeeee
maybe i am =)

SteVan's sPaReriBs
fIsH CurrY by NaGa
WanG's PempeK2!

Tofu n beAnspRouT by Wang's MoM

hoMe-Made dinneR RoLL by SheLdon
ngiLer ngak padaaaaaaaaaa?? hehehehe
ini lah menu2 thanksgiving orank indo... utamanya si goble laennya tetep makanan indo
eniwei, ni juga lom semua... ada yang nagk bisa dipost soalnya ngak cukup ni hiks~
masi ad: soto betawi ala bank Budi! tahu isi nya M41N4N
trus masi ada nasi goreng en coktaiL!
semua kenyang semua senang hipikayeeeeeeee
ok segini dulu... i keep my doorbuster storie in next episode
HapPy ThAnksGiviNg smuaaaaaa

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

tHanksgiVing weekend

YEY! another holidays....
tHanksgiVing = time to shop n to eat turkey hauahuahuahuahua
well.. i hope i can relax myself in this holiday
xmas carols starts playing in the radios.....
feeling so hommie rite now

i just did one final today... i think i did okayyyyy eventough i know i screwed tat essay question dang it! i wasn't pay enouff attention to the question tat says LOCAL retailers......... i answered as if as it is national retailers hiks hiks hiks hiks.... oh handsome man.. give me credits for instant "mengarang indah" well, probably it's true when people says marketing course is about writing craps hehuehuehehehehehehhehehuheuheue

just talked with CunYuk hehehehehe
well, we plan to jalan2.... first destination is houston, dallas, and surroundings... kekekeke then second is ChiCaGo! after that SeattLe..... oh yeah.. we gonna do it at late of MaRch 06.. so anyone interested?? Huan??? Syen?? Wisnu????
trus.. on late May 06... going to Vegas with ndrew n handoyo.... May is chosen because ndrew wants us to wait till his 21 b day!!! huahuahuahuahuahuhaua
ayoo peopleeeeeeeeeee biar rame nih! n we can call it a lil utama reunion...

oh yeah... wanting kinda so badly to watch coldplay playing down here at seattle on january 25.... but no one wants to accompany meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gosh gosh gosh

i make that banner MakeS pRoVerTy hIstorY too! udah ah segini dolo.. updates about my holidays laters peeps~

Sunday, November 20, 2005

crystaL cLeaR

when u read the title maybe u just wonder wut posting would i write
well... it's just the name of soda that my sis n sheLdon like to drink .. pLus cHiko loves to bite on!

ehm this week is just another same week..
one thing enlightening me is my theology classes for this week are cancelled hohohohohoho
yang laen mah basi yang ada group meetings

today is worseeeeeeeee
i got this one group meeting started at 9 am in chinatown
first i got to wake up so earLy for satruday! padahal semalem baru pulank ajm 1:30 for SheLdon b'day wuwuwuwu kurank tiduR euy
trusan gara2 di cinatown baru relaize parkir pun kudu bayar dhe
so i parked my car at uwajimaya - japanase so called grocies .. u can park free for 2 hours with $10 purchase~ ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

then, i got another ecis meeting
thanks to my sort of crazie fellow mates! even tough pada teLAt but we rocks on
ngomong ngalur ngiduL..... but assignment tetep keLAr
oh maybe i also should thanks for the os!
thanks to YoseP dhe ya yg duah mo gambar tat conceptual diagram!

oya... thinkining of having tatoo on my back shoulder...
but people says it hurts so baddddddddddddd
hiks hiks..... i think i got to postpone this tattoing ting deh ya
eniwei wut do u guys think?

Happy b'Day for SheLdon... maybe some of u know... klo bule bday ada acara kita malah bayarin yg ultah... dhuer.. bokek euy~ oh at nite.. we play cranium.. oh gosh it's so american games
all questions is about america ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe there shouLd be indo cranium... girls.. we can beat those bules!! hehehehe

uCup.. get well soon hunnie..
also... buat goesLi n conya eLsa... get well soon! live strong people

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

any ReLatioNshiP that succeeds is a bLessinG

It's easy to get lost in the everyday trials that sabotage some unions. But there are many couples who overcome those challenges and perhaps hurdle an even greater obstacle--long-distance love.

Visits, e-mails and telephone calls sustain these couples who admit they sacrifice some physical closeness. But they say what they gain means just as much: Faith. Strength that they can foil any odds. In these relationships, they say, there's no time to obsess about pettiness. Instead, you practice a different mantra: Make each second count.

There are days when they're lonely. There are moments when they long for a touch instead of a call. Still, their bond endures. Whether separated by an ocean or an outlook, the shortest distance between two hearts, they say, is love.

Among them are people like Courtland Bivens III, who drives from Alabama each weekend to see his wife Regina Lynch Hudson in Atlanta.

Dr. Charles and Beverly Alston, who bridge the distance between Chicago and Phoenix; Stephanie Murphy and James Toussaint, who travel from Columbus, Ohio, to Dallas.

Think that's far?
Consider the trans-Atlantic commute of lifemates Felicia Mabuza-Suttle and her husband Earl Suttle. They journey back and forth, a distance of 8,421 miles, between Atlanta and Johannesburg, South Africa.
The two met in Minneapolis in the early 1970s while Felicia was an exchange student and Earl was a counselor for the Milwaukee school system.
They married in 1976.
What grounds the Suttles, according to Earl, "old-fashioned family values. We're faithful and committed to each other. That core value is very important to us ...
We steer clear of negaholics. We see these as below-the-line thinking people. Instead, we focus on our family goals; and that is Felicia and I want to spend the rest of our lives together.

"But what about the downside?
Both make three costly trans-Atlantic trips each year; then there are the phone bills that average $1000 a month. Sandwiched between the flights and calls have been short tempers and bouts with depression and loneliness.
"I've thought about ending this relationship a few times," Earl admits. "I get around my toxic friends who ask, `Earl, why do you continue to do this? There are a lot of beautiful, single ladies in Atlanta.'
He says, "All I know is Felicia is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with--and that's enough to keep me going."

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Moments in a weeK

nothing really interesting happens this week...
i just want 2 write something... hehhehehehehe

MoNdaY: i hate monday... @ school from 11am till 8 pm! haiks~
oh i got my ecis mid back... n surprise^surprise: i am the highest in class lhoooo
trus-trus jadinya dikasi visual studio package deh ma bon oh kim!
i dun knoe wat this software is for actually.. so i plan to sell it on e-bay.. or maybe give it to sHeLdon for his coming soon b'day!

ngomong2 ttg b'day... i just realize that so many friends of mine whose bday is on novembeR..
gosh untung2 dha ngak ajmannya lagi tu kasi2 kado... klo iya mah isa bokek-kek~ hohohohohoho
anyways, HappY B'daY for Novi, gLenn, SteVan, DannY!!

TueSdaY: i quite like tuesday coz i just need leave home at 3:30 pm yey!
i did some house-cleaning stuff.. vacuuming, cooking, laundy, washing cooking utensiLs~

WedNeSdaY: the second hated day in a week.. @ school from 1 - 8 pm!
classes were bored as usual hahahaha
eh i just realize there is one "ok" guy in cLass.. yeah at least someting that forces my eyes to widely open during lecture~

tHuRsdaY: oh no.... the handsome teacher ternyata malaS.. ?!?!?!?!?? oke, wat's happened is.... my group turned in a draft on tuesday and thought that he would get back to us asap... guess wut.. he just gave us comments right 2 hours before the assignment was due... as all my teammates have classes so i am de one who gotta make changes... wuwuwuwu... i was supposed to bring cHiko jalan2.. poor him!
one more fact! half of my class doesn't know who's kate moss is! gilak gw nag ngerti deh... kok bisa itu orank2 ngak tau sapa kate moss..... haiks~

oh @ nite i went bowLing.... with KaBaYaN n e-PoY's gank hihihihi
quite fun except waiting for 30 minutes for the lanes haiks~
tRus.... abis bowling makan ke Denny's... gilaK udah lama banget gw yang namanya nga klaur mpe jam 3 pagi buat makan... ajudubeLaaaHHH eating those fat in this hours! damn oh damn...
oh i saw epoy's friends... lil cute ones eat the LambeR's JAcK! geezssssssss i think it is the biggest meal that Denny's have.. and two of them finished it... they just remind me when i was first time down here... i finished those kau2's bbq pork over rice.... and milacay's fried rice hihihihihihihihihihi oh my oh my... maybe those meals that have made me gain this 3.. oh no maybe 5 layers of natural "bLanket" on my stoMach heuhuaehuahuahuahuahua....

*ronie... kok kok makin mirip kbronk seh dengan pala plontos n baby blue tshirt hehhehehhe*

frIdaY: veteran's day hoLiday~
i woke up at 12... then did some errands... n finally got a dog boarding where i would put cHiko in during Xmas break.. oh i'm gonna miss him co much huhuhuhuhhu...
at nite.. trying to do my 8 to 10 pages paper that is due in tuesday... but maybe lom last minute or kepepet.. bener2 nga produktip.. cuman produced 1/2 pages including the heading paper ting-ii and the title on double space format huhuhuhuhuhuhuuhu...

SaTuRdaY: hahahaha another 12 am woke up day jejejjejejejje... why tidur is so good eh? maybe klo tidur itu bisa mimpiin smua yang gw mau hohohoho.. today i continue my paper.... i got 4 pages by now yeah... yuhuuuuuuuuu

oh today.. i was supposed to have a pahe movie at galleRia... but then... oh NaGa... he woke up so late n caused us to delay it for tomorrow.. ga esok jangn telat lageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... duh kok jadi inget kata orang2 yang bilank klo mo do something itu improptu aja rather than planning it all along... klo diplan biasanya bataL.... but teori nih applicable banget ma tmn gw yang bernama Nage hohohohoho nonton bisa ngak jadi even udah ngeplan a day before... but We went On RoAdtRip to SF, which We PlanneD 3 houRs before.... jejjeje it was veterans day 2002... he called me at 9pm n asked me join him, dru, n niko to SF and we started the trip on 1 am! unFoRgeTAbLe deh loe orang ber3.... *kapan kita bergila2 lagi?*

eh eh eh tadi gw ada ke groceries di chinatown.. waktu mo balek ke mobil... o mai mai.. ampir gw teriakin tu org yg mo markir seblah... aduh tipis banget udah mo kena.... it was a x5.. trus udah gw tungguin ajah.. eh pas klaur ternyata berkerudung! mirip dato si rese jaman tinggal di utama boarding gitu deh.. pake baju kurung... n the license plate says "MELAYU" kekekekeke jadi geli sendiri deh.... bisa meliat makluk malay berkeredung di sini hohohohoho padahal tadinya dah mara.. coz 2 weeks ago.. kaca spion gw disempret ma org item... cuman gara2 org item kan gw nga brani hehehehhehehe

udah ah enuff for now.. mo telpon uCup =)

Monday, November 07, 2005

ideA from cLass

okeh.. i just got back from class and just wanna share idea that have been discussed in my theology class titled "justice in relationship!"
it's kinda related with the comment that i have justed posted... and also.. wut's happening around me (so, are you considering urself in this spot? ^kekekekeke^)

well, the ultimate point is "Realationship is a JouRney of KnoWing youRseLf"
i feel this is tRue... you knoe building realtionship or even friendship helps you to know what you really want and what you want to get from others .... eventough the relationship is not a happy ending one! well, for me, relationship or freindship kayak gimana pun juga... participants-nya bakal feel heppi at elast for a particular moment.....

buat yang udah punya "paRtneR" treasure your life n love even moRe! be happy and truly knoe urself! maybe ini yang orang suka bilank menemukan jati diri! uh ah sounds so serious eh?!

buat yang masi singLe fighTeR... just wait till the time has come... cherish your friendship with love yo... sapa tau ntar kecantol ma temen sendiri.... hauhauhahauhauhuahahahaha
kayaknya banyak nih yang masuk kategori ini who knoe who u are.. don't yacha?

Friday, November 04, 2005

picture.. dari aRisaN halloween hehehehe

Thursday, November 03, 2005 a witness..

it was 7:32 pm on 12th and su piggot buidling entrance...
a maroon jeep hit a bycycle rider!
i heard the girl's screm right before the car hit her.
luckily, she was okay... i didn't see clearly... but from a distant sight, i didn't see any blood.
people around came down to her and helped her.
someone call 911 and what SuRpRiSe.. the ambulance came in just about a minute or two.

what really struck me from this incident is this quick response from the public services.
i am really sure that it won't happen in jakarta and other cities in indo.
maybe this is one of the reasons couples of my friends choose to permanently stay in states or any other countries that "take care" their citizens well.

plus, the jeep driver wasn't blamed for all the accident....
once the ambulance and police came...
one of the police kinda interviewed the driver and he was allowed to go...
what i think would happen in indo if this accident happens is that driver is brought into fight and people around are just gonna kick his ass badly! is this what people do in the country that has the ideology of "musyawarah"? *spelling check please hehehehe*

i am now 5 months away from graduation. i start to feel that what Syenny n Huan called it "Senior DiLemA" hehehehehe
i start to think what would i do next.... so many options with different consequences.
going back for good is one big option for me, but looking at the safety and job opportunity in indo makes me hesitate to do it.. but then i just don't like the monotone life up here...
and the most important thing.... daddy wants his lil cutie daughter to go home hohohohoho =)
and i want to meet uCup oftenly!
people... anyone thinking going for gut??

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

keTupaT and BenSin

happy eid mubarak's day for those who celebrating.....
~ maap lahir batin ~
well, i say it every year but then i must confess i dun know what it means...
maap lahir batin? maksud-nya tuh apa sih? maap yang tulus or wat???
i wanna eat KetUPAt nih!

huaaa senangnya bensin turun lho
udah di bawah 3 dollar/gallons di Shell depan SU and rainer Ave south!
maybe in aurora 99 is even cheaper.

2 more hours to midterm and my head is spinning around understanding this er model diagram