Wednesday, August 23, 2006

me today!

Perubahan mulai kelihatan setelah kamu ambil keputusan tersebut. Tetaplah pada pendirian kamu sendiri, nggak usah ragu-ragu lagi.

Asmara :Ada tanda-tanda kalo kamu mulai demen banget sama doi.
Keuangan :Kondisi keuangan kamu cukup mendukung.
Pekerjaan :Kamu jangan terlalu memforsir tenaga secara berlebihan.

source: astaga!

mau tau apa yang gw tulis, just copy these text and paste it on word.
then, change the font type to arial :D
cheers all~

Saturday, August 19, 2006

bye first hill, hello queen anne!

u wanna knoe wut's up w/ me? i have been keeping myself busy with the stuff packing.. geez, i don't realize i have quite much stuff - not to mention various os *baca past papers* Courses hihihihihihihihihiHi I just threw two big - full garbage bags filled with those papers. do i feel guilty???? no0o0o0o0 feel glad actually... can finally put away of those papers. they just filled up space, taKen the assumption i wOn't read again all those theories that does not happen in the real world (especially ethics, philosophy, astronomy, economics) again! i glanced over it en my heARt was mumbling "wut did i just study in these past 4 yours?" uh-ah-no-no-no en i guess now we live in paperless world, so throwing them away is de best right thing to do????? ^lol^

for bubble, paCking = counting How many paIr of shoes on the rack~? so here's the bubbLe's trivia: how many shoes that bubbLe has?
c'mon gimmE number hihihihihihihihihihiihi

i got the letter from a-k-c (american kennel club) on tueSday. i opened it up and i found chiko b'day certificate! hahahahhahaha Wuahhhhh long term due banget ngak sih~ Ok lemme remiNd u that his name is eye^brow^up-ing so get ready.................


are you ready??

i don't thinK so


oke you can find out on At the end of this post

ah ha! i forget to say this magic - once a year kind of word "m-3-r-d-3-k-4"
hihuaiehauaeihaeihaiheiaeaihi njoy de day off guys --
en, i guess for that's it for now.

hehehehhehe pasti pada masih nyariin namanya chiko deh.
so, ini dia: put all the capital letters together in sequence as it is!
there is first, middle, and last names; each of them are separated by exclaimination mark like th!s kekekekekkekekeke njoy reading my post once again

peace and out. hehehehehehehe
this is a real fun post ;D

Sunday, August 13, 2006

R girLs unpRedicTabLe?

this weekend is full of sharings.... three guys rang me for so called relationship chit-chat hohohohoho^^ they have similar problem actually.. they like girls but they just do know what to do... they complain "girls are so unpredicatble!" is it really tRue?!?!?!?!!! maybe yes, maybe no.. but it's just maybe *duh bubbLe is not helping!*

well.. gimana dunk - giRls emank jalan pikrinya beda ama co! when de guys say girls are so unpredicatble... we, girls, say that guys play too much tricks! we just don't know what r u guys expect from us with all of your actions. then, we are just confused how to respond... en many girls end up doing 'fishing' slash 'kiting'.. we play go and forth *iya-engga-iya-engga* when girls do this, it means we want you to do more -- giving us more clues of what are you really want.. hohohohohoho (let's call this bubbLe's analyis 1) afterall, there's always be 2 perspectives in any case!

here's come the analysis no. 2! girLs loves to be praised... selagi cewek bisa dipuja-puja terus.. yah cewek bakal 'jual mahal' for getting those praises! again, many girls just do another 'fishing' trick this time!! so, Sunway boy! optimist dikit dunk... she never missed ur calls lho ehem-ehem... wut do u guys think?? a girl always pick up a guy's call... isn't a good sign??? en it goes for all of you.... everyone plays their parts.. you play yours.. she plays hers.. hehehehehehehehe cuman honestly.. gw ngak ngerti deh dengan system fishing and layangan... why put ur faith in a game? never see the fun and the art of it! mau mau!!! engga engga!!! iya ngak sih??????

okay, now analysis no. 3. girls just want "certainity" - we just don't like floating and walking aimlessly... so if you guys can't give us affirmation, we just do fishing - kiting en other tricks all in once! we can go with the flow for sometimes... for the shake of fun, but after sumtimes we need need that cystal clear expectation for the future. i KNOW guys hate this!! this wut makes girls and guys r different... en when both of u can't handLe the pressure in this difference -- then i guess i hear "good~byes...." is it rite Mr. S?? ^hohohohohohohoho^

my buddie di SG asked me "How about going after your best friend?" i think that going beyond a friendship zone with ur best friend is the most beautiful thing that could ever happen in a relationship... but learning couple cases of my friends... ehmmmmm i don't think it's a great thing at all the times. YES - you already know the goods and the bads of your partner, but NO - are you wanting to risk all the friendship that both of u have already had?!?!?! it can't be denied deh pasti if u break up - the coming relationship wouldn't be de same.. there will be a gap.. rite?? c'mon 99% - it is! ehm.. smuanya it's your call -- if you think it would worth de joy over de risks.. why not? ;D

another common relationship problem, asked by someone yang lagi mabuk cinta-a-a-a hahahahahahahaa "nit, gimana yah klo ld?" Personally, i feel ld rel. is sux!! It's just hard not to have a face to face communication.. i guess the only solution for this is s-c-a-r-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n!!! but in many cases this scarification is not happening... one is too prideful or any other reasons~~ it's hard to do LD unless both of you have commitment and certainity for the future.

okah enuff recap--- no defense to anyone who has different thoughts on the issues... if u dun mind please share it--- sharing is wut make us stronger and wiser :)

Love can be a many splendored thing
Can't deny the joy it brings
A dozen roses, diamond rings
Dreams for sale and fairy tales
It'll make you hear a symphony
And you just want the world to see
But like a drug that makes you blind,
It'll fool ya every time
The trouble with love is
It can tear you up inside
Make your heart believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride
The trouble with love is
It doesn't care how fast you fall
And you can't refuse the call
See, you got no say at all

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

-- when the best comes last --

As some of you already knew, I got a job 2 weeks ahead of my dateline of buying a ticket back home to JakaRta. Once I got the news, I told my dad and he agreed for me staying here.... So here I am now working @ SeattLe!

About early June, I did pack some of my stuff already! I had 2 luggages ready to go, which I suppose my sister would bring it home on her summer vacation... yeah, my sister most likely is going home in the next two weeks - after her new house move-in! btw, CongRats Joe for de new house!! hihihihihihihihi now, my sis is preparing and packing her stuff to her new home.. looking her doing so, it reminds myself to do the same thing! coz i am gonna move out from my current apt to a studio loft in about 3 weeks-- yesterday, i opened up my perfect packed luggages which supposedly 'going home' real soon! i looked at my stuff and found out that some of the clothes and bags are needed !! i just realize that i already packed all my winter jackets HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

my life is pretty busy with this moving out and moving in errands.. i got to buy rental insurance.. plus car insurance! starting to pack things up into different boxes: "studio" , "donation" , " sell" , "nitip my sis' storage" :X :X :X

OH YeaH!! i cut my hair up to shoulder length... well, the stylist gave me an inch short than i asked her to cut.. huhuhuhuhuhu bad hair days are on! it's somehow too short which makes hard to tie up! pLus, the bang is hanging just right off my eyes! afterall, i still like it :D less pounds on my head weight ^LOL^

Every city in U.S. has waveheat warnings! seriously, the heat is unbearable... downtown SF:108! it breaks the history record-- downtown SeattLe:95! these heat are just catastrophics in Northwest area,, not many people have AC here-- having AC when you live in Northwest, it's like having a NY winter jacket while you live in Jakarta! hohohohohohohoho I just read news today, a pregnant woman died while watching Yankees game, paramedics say that she's too dyhydrated! 19 died in California due the same thing!! TaKe CaRe u aLL..... drink plenty of water always-- ice cream works even better :)

today it's Wednesday and it's reaLity shows day! pRojecT RuNaWay and You Think yOu Can DanCe are ON!