gOng xi FaT cHoi
Happy Chinese New Year peeps!
hope this dog year brings us lots n lots of HappiNess en pRospeRity!
be this year be a great one for all of u!
how's de day going for everyone... ??? something special?
any1 wants to share ang pao? HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI
i decide to cut my hair! YEY finally : D but still dunno which salon i wanna go.... en dunno wut model UHUK-UHUK
yesterday, i got to do my project... it was about online marketing strategy, so i decided to search on de cost of banner ads on lcoal newspaper sites. dEnnnnnnnn.... i ended up into dis page , dis , also dis , en dis HOHOHOHOHOHOHO i want one!! klo aja gw tinggal sendiri nih... dis weeken i go check on the sellers deh..... but my sis don't wanna haif another lil devil in de house... pLus i am really-belly-double-SURE my mom n dad r gonna go MAD! r u mom?hiks~hiks~hiks otherwise i can have chiko and choki : $
oh i got to show this luvabubbLe guy from Kendari! don't ask me where kendari is.. coz to be honest i don't knoe either... his name is TobY ! lucu yah gemes deh ma tobie-tobie-tobie... hunie, tobie jangan dipukulin!!! ntar jadi kurus ngak cubbie-tobie lagi....
anyways, like my redish-hearty-cursor? HOHOHOHOHO just think about cny and valentine... so i choose this one!