today is may 17th!
same old same old:i am still unemployed...
new thing: i am unconditionally accepted to 2 of the uk unis! also i have one conditioned accepeted to 1 uni! it becomes unconditional once i sent my toefl test result.....
time never stops en so does de spin in my head...
it rotates 360 degrees everyday... i want to stop de spin but i couldn't...
i got to think *hard* making "rite" decision for my future!
well de options are clearly: forcing myself to get a job OR putting my self @ relax mood by simply going to graduate schooL!
well, it looks 2nd option is simple en just sweet! but HELLO.... if i do this option.. it means that i will go back to indo *eventually for good* earlier compared if i can get a job en postpone my study! PLUS.. my dad's pressure... he doesn't allow me to stay any longer than july in states if i don't have a job! he wants me to directly pursuing my master degree en searching for a mister @ de same time HOHOOHOHOHOHO aren'u dad?!?!?!
now option one may looks refreshin' for de damn reason tat i am not READY to go back.... en mentally not ready to start de whole new education level....
buttttttt, i am tired sending resumes out without any good results!
got luck tat time ... but then de job is sucks
then still waiting for another 2 responses..... hopefully there's sumting tat works out... aMiN!
yesterday i had a late supper with naga.... en talking to MR. Naga really inspired me! FYI *mungkin ada yang ngak tahu* Naga is one of de closest en oldest friend tat i have here in SeaTTle.... even skrg jarang hang out... huhuhuhuhhuhuhuhu
niwei nice to go around seattle by nite with NAGA.... i have missed this old ritual for sumtimes..... well, yesteday ritual is sumhow not complete..... cos we are missing couple guys...... daNieL - ndRew - Heng-Q !! we miss u lots en lots..... de laff en de screams are not tat strong u knoe guys :S
anyways.... here's de top 5 points from Naga en moi conversation!
1. don't start any other education right after ur graduation cos based on other experiences, i can get burnt out! en my missing kbRonk is one of them! bronk bronk kok ndak pernah crita sih loe ma gw! huhuhuhuhuhu
2. i will be more happy to live in indo..... taken de assumption of the postive correlation between my manja-ness en my family & friends presence hihihihihihihihi
3. i am a picky girL! dia bilang i am loooking for a balance physical and personaloty in a guy?!?!?! am i?? maybe u guys can help me out to correct or RE-correct his opinion LOL
4. school is de best place to find your soulmate! besides school public transportation is a good soul-mate meeting media too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i knoe sumone meet his cinderella on a bus station.... also sumone who meet her "white-horse prince" on a Bandung-Jakarta train! LOL
5. SeattLe is a good place to live! de diversity en de geographic city plan are great... it's just de weather tat becomes a problem sumtime.....
i think i am just waiting... en waiting.... en waiting...... for sumthing tat i don't even exactly sure ~ shhhhhiiieeeettttyyyyyyy i am so freakin' aimless now!
but dun worrie... i am sure i'll get through this!!