Wednesday, June 28, 2006

8 hours & 59 minutes

i just broke my driving hours record!
8 hours and 59 minutes is de magical number... i drove portLand - seattLe by myself, with my mom on pessenger seat hohohohohoho leaving @ 10:30 am and got back at 1:20 am de next day...... it was quite worth tRip since my mom shopped a lot! till i got to drop myself at a bank taking some cash as my debit card exceeded de limit!! afterall, it was really tax savings..... 2 thumbs up for my mom's shopping spirit hahahahahahhahahah *good job mom!*

another week has passed by..... en still same oLd..... but maybe NOT! a daily shopping newbie activity has just sumhow changed my daily life.... hahahahahahahhaha start to pile up my closet with working clothes as i will start my job next week! looking forward for a new chapter of working life :D hope it goes well en xciting!

WorLd Cup is getting closer to de FinaL.... but i don't feel as excited as before..... since de top 8 teams are de ones that are expected to be there haiks-- Man,, how could AuStRaLia lost to ItaLy!?!?!?! it was a great match to watch really..... sad to see them leave de competition with that fashion ahhhhhhhhh..... after watched de match.. i have new sport philosophy "to win a match, you just need to excel in manipulating a referee..... " agree??? oh well, that is sport eh?!!!?! ukRaiNe is great !!!!! i would love to see them on final going against EnGLand hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha *dream on bubbLe*

i am out now :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

HiPs doN't LiE!

i bet all of you have heard the song! it's Shakira song that every radio stations play it at least 5 times a day --- *oh maybe i am just exagerrating here,, but truly deh i have always heard this song whenever i drive* well.... the lyrics is supposedly telling about how great a girl can dance...... en HeeeEEeeY!! somebody said to me 4 days ago "Nit.... your hips don't lie..." at first i was like WOW.... am i like a giRl in the song -- *cieeeeeee* -- but TEeeeTT ToooTttTT it was just my wish hahahahaahahahahaa then he continued "elo gemukan yah! beda banget ama duLu......" then i felt like cR*p hiks-hiks-hiks ~___~

i think i have gained too much weight! i really do... maaaaann, how to stop??? or should i continue bLaming a post-teenage pyhsical growth? or my uncontrollable appetite due to de recent undessent emotional unstabLe state??? *apa sih bubbLe.....* oke dech.. time really ticking now! i am on diet!!! don't u hear it?? i am on D-I-E-T-t-t ! please dun call me to have a fattie lunch or dinner with ya...... BuT i am free of diet only on weekends hohohohohohoho duh cross-fingers hopefully this time bakal work out :D

CongRats to Mr. BeLLevUeR_SeaTtLe who just recentLy received his MaSteR of Finance! GunDuL, gw bakal inget loe yah boongin gw.... bilang 8 pages jadi 48 pages!!! mata gw sakit bacanya.... pLus lagi a large tapex's taro boba isn't enuff...... guys,,,, ini dia temen gw si gundul!! can't u image .. he asked me to proof read his business plan which he initally claimed only to be 8 pages... en in fact 48 pages..... maybe some of you are rite this time..... don't be too kind with anyone..... LOL klo ngak bisa ketepu kayak gw diboongin si gundul satu ini!! eniwei DuL... jangan ngamuk di sana... i just take this as "perumpamaan" hihihihihihihihi trus-trus! si GunDuL ini ujang singLe lho peeps... for anyone interested could contact me! i could hook u up with this guy! *traktiran gw nambah jek udah gw promosiin*

well oh well,,, YohAnz a.k.a KebHo si unimated has tagged me with de 4s!!! so here we GO.....

4 Jobs I would SUCK at:
1. SaLeS RepReseNtaTive
i tried door2door sales @ b2b office supplies company... it was a suck job really! i got to go over 40 prospects in a day offering products which i don't believe myself that de products r that great.... pLus, de company "force" u to still keep going into those places that have "NO SOLICITORS" signs!!!!! G-SUS... this job is really go against my heart u knoe!!! NO SALES please...... after all, I must admit SALES is the hardest job ever available!! u must lie and u must face rejection !!! and u have to do it all over again.....

2. TaXi DriVer
i am a bad driver! my sense of direction is BAD and my driving skill is just PASS hihiihihihi if i really be a taxi driver... i bet i am going to get fired on de first day heheheehehehehe lagian nyetir seharian mata gw bisa sakit euy mana lagi backache!!

3. Waiter @ PaDanG rEsTauRant
man.... i can't do that plates tower serving technique!! de resto could go bankcrupt in a week.. i could break all places in a nite heheheheehehe

4. pRograMMeR
my major is Information System but doing a programming stuff is not sooooo ME! Java, C++, and thos languages are alien languages for me! en please remember my hidden fingers crouching keyboards typing style tat i got.... man, missing one . and mispells make me have less sleeping hours hhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

4 Nicknames I'll go with:
1. Nit
2. Nyong
3. bubbLe
4. ManJa

4 Movies I can watch over and over:
1. LoVe aCtuaLLy... ngak ada bosennya ni pelem! hugh grant is always gergeous as always be en makna pilemnya itu lho..... "CINTA is aLL aROunD you!!" don't u feel it?!?!

2. EiffeL I'm in Love... it was simple, nice, and sweet for an indo movie.. pLus, de guy is quite a cutie with a bloody bladdie head :D


4. shot video clips taken when i was on road trip with hanafi en huan hohohohohohohoho
those videos always make me smile :D

4 Things I love to do on weekend:
1. having scoooooopes of dessert!
saturday is supposed to be the happiest day of the week en all i want is SWEET!

2. waLk cHiko @ local parks and beaches
this activity serves as my burning fat and hunk screening exercises LOL

3. call my mom and daddy
just say heLLo and probably asking for $ *blink-blink*

4. HAVE FUN with my cipikacipiki friends and de kbronxs

4 Alcoholic Beverages I enjoy from time to time:
1. Melting Pot's Yin & Yang - a fusion of Godiva vanila and chocolate vodka... it's purely perfection + satisfaction hihihihihihihihi
sLuurrppppszzz ngak ada mati nya!

2. tRiPle dOOr's CoCoNut KaZe! breezing tropical margarita :D

3. ManGo Mojito! this is wut u called de mojo magic

4. ChamboRd 7

my favorite line is "sumthing sweet ajah" :D

4 Places I would like to go before I pass out:
1. roMantiC en fashionistatic PariS!! i wanna shop @ those xtravagant boutiques... en go to EiffeL tower... hoping sumone would say "Je t'aime, Anita" HUAAAAAAAAHHHH

2. NorTh PoLe -- i think this is de most distant place that I could go from my hometown heheheehehehe

3. London pleasE... i want to ride the London's EyE beibeH en London's brigDe won't faLL down!

4. Niagara Falls... i have seen de other 6 wonder worlds.... en i dun wanna miss de last 1 :) hold on.... is niagara falls one of de 7 wonder worlds? en there are only 7 wonder worlds, rite?!! if i am mistaken... i rather go to JAPAN!! i wanna eat en eat en eatttttt en experience de HiRaJuKU

4 Celebrities I would go for a date with:
1. NigeL Barker
2. CoLLin FarreL
3. Adam LevignE
4. MichaeL oWen -- maunya sih ama Rooney but then kok he's younger than me yak huhuhuhuhu.. weLL, could i date with de whole gank of EngLand's soccer team? ^___^

could you see the similaries among them?? i guess i just realize by now wut my friends called "Anita's guy!" LOL

4 Objects I could not live without:
1. ceLLpHone yang ada caMeRa
2. cOMpuTeR + internet access
3. dEbiT caRd + ID
4. FG trochEs..... suara bisa abis klo ngak makan ini at least once a week

4 Things I do not have which I would like to have:
1. Eva Longoria's skin en Jessica aLba's body! nyam nyam nyam :D

2. a condo facing a beach.... how about the one on Miami beach??!!? or maybe BoRa-BoRa.... dream on BubbLE!! ah maybe one facing SpaCe NeedLE or Alki beach is okay lho pap :D

3. CinTa dari seseorang lelaki..... sounds desperate but HEY! life is at its best celebration when you share it with someone speciaL :D *uhuk-uhuk*

4. UnLimiTed creDit CaRd... this is just every n-o-r-m-a-l girl wants i suppose..........

4 people tagged to do this:
1. HerroTzky
2. PeMuja_rAhasia
3. tHAsiiiiiii
4. eLie

owrite... that's de on of de 4s to de fLooR heehehehehehe
btw, pegiepegie sapa yah...??? anyone know? she left me a comment on preivous post.... but not really sure who she is.... introduce ur self dunk :)

ENGLAND is going to de 2006 WC 2nd round!!! they will go against Equador... which I think EngLAnd has a gOOd chance to win.... gO EngLanD GOooOOOOOOOoooooooo.... dun make more people losing their betssssssss

MIAMI HEATS is de 2006 NBA champion!!! de last 2 matches were so tight.... de point diff was just 1!!! gw nonton mpe kesel ati..... daLLas kok kalah seeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiihhh!! huhuhuhuhuhu well,,, congRats to Payton... finally u got it!!! he is my fav when he was playing with SEattLE Sonics.....

i got to stop now. it's too long..................................................................

Thursday, June 15, 2006

4 holligans

rooney - gerald - beckham - crouch
they are de reaL holligans!
finally... yeah finally EngLand made goals by themselves in this WoRLd CuP 2006!
well done holligans :)
terry rocks!
en engLand are going to second round!

quite interesting to see them... engLand kok full of handsome players yah
but sumtimes gw ngak tahan ama minyak rambut nyak itu lho
dooh.... gw rasa ngak cuman engLand players aja.... itaLy ama Germany juga..
itu playersnya mo tanding apa catwalk sih.... don't u see de their hair.... kayak abis dari saLon
tepe-tepe *dibaca tebar pesona- tebar pesona* banget padahal lagi tanding gituh...
kok gw jadi ngak sabar pingin study ke uk yah..
cuci mata everyday everyhour everysecond! wohoooooooooooo

another team that i favor is south korean.... asian pride yo!!

then... OZ rocks! 1st appearance in WC -- beat Japan 3-1 in de last 8 minutes?!?!?! wohoooooooo wut a surpriseeeeeeeee

well... enjoy de season guys
it's only once in every 4 years.....
go mad in soccer!!!

ah... en if u do betting
please terat me if u win! hehehehehhehehehhehe

GO MAD peeps!!!!!
wish i could watch over de matches with u guys.......
missing those soccer watching days @ mamak stores!
not to mention with de indah villa boys.... en de mamak guys

en i am out now!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


bubbLe berSYUKUR atas terkabulnya doa novena tiga SaLam Maria....

Monday, June 12, 2006

Anita nyonge Puspita, B.A.

Lucy - me- meL - FannY

we made it!

de girLs plus our metRo boy *ehem*

me with de boYs

me - MeL - YunG - PauLine

Saturday, June 10, 2006

8 hours to de B-I-G day!

June 11, 2006 is just BiG for my family!

it's my commencement day!
photos will be up soon! hahahahahahahhaha

en another ReaL big moment is my sister's engagament!
she's getting engaged yo!
CONGRATs nyong.....
i'll wait till de wedding... then wait till someone calls me auntieeeeeeee
well, all de best!
*crink-crink* i guess she will have a new hobby of showing her engagemenet ring by now

owrite... just keep this post short :D
i need to prepare for tommorow...
here's couple pictures to enjoy! all were taken yesterday from gRaduaTion LounGe!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

kok putusin gue?

that was de title of a book that i recently have read....
it was indonesian chicklit! it was a nice one lho! recommended banget!
if i have to give it a score.... 9.8 out of 10 deh! 2 thumbs up buat Ninit Yunita, the writer!

the storie tells about how a girl gets over her x who asks for a break up on a V day! the guy just says that the girl is too kind en too good for him so that's why he steps back..... but then the girl feels that it is the magic of a relationship... everyone feels that their partner are too kind..... isn't so? well, she wants to get back to him... but then when she comes to his campus.... she finds out that his x cheats on her! she caught his x kissing another girl....
*i don't making up or make adjustment to it lho.... no offense if it somehow reflects someone's real experience :D*

well after all this is a typical girl power book -- but this one gives a great list of "tips mengatasi patah hati" which i wanna share with y'all especially my dear girl friends :D

here's the list:
~ it's okay to scrible over his photo! when u look over it once again, you would realize that he is not as gentLe as you have thought him to be.....
~ re-name his contact on your cellphone! he is not worth to be called "hooney" "yayank" "my prince charming" anymore... apalagi for what he has done to you... "setelah semua kelakuannya berselingkuh dan menyakiti hati mu, yakin dia masih pantas mendapat gelar kesayangan?" -- duuh bener2 direct quoting nih yang ini hehehehehehe
~ develop interest in shooting sport... en make use of his photos as the target!
~ please remember klo' keanu reeves is still the most gergous man in the world and collin farrell is still a single bad ass! then.. jessica alba is still bodylicious and jessica simpson just got divorced.... SO x loe itu bukan yang ter-guanteng... or yang tercantik--- masih banyak cowok and cewek available in the market!
~ have a new motto! no matter how cute and pretty ur x's new gf.... u are still cuter and prettier than her :D
~ don't drown urself in the sweet memories of your x!
~ "menghabiskan hidup dengan seseorang itu penting, tapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah dengan siapa kita menghabiskannya"
~ it's just normal to listen broken-heart songs hahahahahahhahaha klo gw bole suggest lagu2 glenn fredly banyak lho! dari january sampe sedih tak berujung... hiks hiks
~ prepare a box of tissue and a stick of inhaler -- in case you want to cry in the middle of the nite cos you miss him.... en cry as loud as you want! don't deny ur feelings
~ think again if you still want to consider your x as a romantic person... romantic en sweet-mouth are two different things!
~ MANJA kan diri anda to do sumthing that you have not done for long time! my suggestion are spa, saloon, en body wrap --- everything tat could make urself looks fabolous..... buat mantan kalian nyadar klo mereka udah buat KESALAHAN BESAR untuk mutusin loe...

maybe by now y'all wonder why i read such a book... i simply do not know.... i just took it from my shelf when i just was about to leave my apt to the airport last time catching up a flight to houston... maybe de red cover of this book just attracts me eyes......... no other singnificant reason! tapi this book really cute en dun to read sih hehehehehhehehe

just wanna dedicate this post to my 'PI trip' friend in Melbourne... hope you do well up there bro.... i am sure u deserve a better girl! then to my " pretty UIS" girls in Jakarta.. duwgh kalian itu cewek-cewek cantik.... ngak usah bingung klo putus... maybe mereka bukan jodoh kalian.... masih banyak cowok-cowok laen ngantri! hey.. lemme know klo mo nyalon... gw mo ikutan! i'll join de club deh hihhihihihihhihihi trus, for my "hula-hula" partner in SeattLe.. uda lha cewek kayak gituh ngak worth it loe minta balik terus.... mending cari yang laen yang lebih sabar dan ngerti elo lebih baik....... u'll find it someday....... well yeah someday.... somehow.... somewhere....... :)

Friday, June 02, 2006

..wut an interview..

i had an interview @ a marketing research company for an entry level research analyst position... it was a 1st round so i didn't expect much!
apalagi considering de moment when i made this interview appointment... de interviewer has threatened me with de questions: what is you immigration status? are you permitted to work here at this time? huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

i came to de place.... then
de lady walked de aile.. en she looked tired en old...
she said tat de company runs 24/7 as this comapny deals with international companies so... global differential timing applies! i guessed she has not slept in de past 20 hours kekkekekekekkekeke

i tut tat she would ask me typical personality en past working experiences kinds of question.. in fact i was big time W-R-O-N-G!

she asked me couple intersting questions... which i bever had from any other employers... such as: do you like mathematics? what would you do if you have 2 supervisors en they are fighting over a solution to a problem? are you a Costo member?

en then after 15 minutes discussion... TRET tet TeT tRoooootttt
de bomb drops! she did not ask my work authorization again, which is gut!
instead she said "I have a test for you!"

at first i thought tat it would be a personality kind of test...... but it appears to be a technical test! i had 2 hours to complete 2 questions.... one is to develop a research proposal for a local bank who wants to develop their customer base..... then the next question is de trap@!! there were three sets of data... on which i have to interprete them and make graphs plus make brief short essays about it! DOOOOHH de data contains very geekie wordz! variance, standard deviation, squre means, normal deviation, kroscia square, *mannnnnn i could remember de rest!* i tried my best.... squeezing my brain try to remember what those words mean...... not really sure how i was doing hiks hiks well, i think i just simply make de best tat i could make out of those data.... i did finish on time tough' so... yeah still crossed de fingers... en hopefully i made it... but i don't think so! aGHrrrrrr

she said she would contact me on monday telling de result of my work!

good thing about this company tough' de techincal computer guy nya cuakep rek.. kayak ArAs survivor dikurangin 20 pounds hehehehhehehehehehehehehehe

i'll update about it on monday :)